Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Pour the Wine - Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes dudes, today's Dino-devotion is likes the premier of premier examples of  what constantly continues to gives us the motivation to day after day do our 20 pages of google blog Dino-searchin' 'cause likes you just never ever know when a powerful piece of Dino-homagin' will surface that was blogged years and years ago. Today's Dino-feature is a cool cool case in point pallies!

Today we go back to a post first shared on February 1, 2001, a number of years even before this humble little ilovedinomartin blog was formed.  From the Italiano blog, "Lambrusco Valley - Un blog frizzate" comes the feature "Pour the Wine - Dean Martin."  Likes by doin' a little researchin' we discovered that Lambrusco is an Italian wine made in Emilia-Romagna, which is in the central part of Italy lying south of the Veneto and north of Tuscany.

So with our most beloved Dino's Italiano roots it is so so cool that this Italiano wine blog accented our great great man with a post featurin' prose, pixs and even a vid clip on centered on our Dino.  Likes we gotta 'fess up that we particularly loves the cover art of the Dino-disc tagged "Hey Brother Pour The Wine."  It Dino-art that we ain't ever rememberin' that we have seen before.

We salute the pallies at "Lambrusco Valley - Un blog frizzate" and are thrilled that unfortunately latter (much latter) than sooner that we have been able to share this very very Dino-honorin' post with all youse Dino-philes.  Likes to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Pour the Wine - Dean Martin
Category: Wine tasting music
Dean Martin has been called "the coolest man ever lived on earth."

Of Italian descent (his real name was Dino Paul Crocetti), singer and actor had made a reputation as a great drinker, especially with the group led by his friend Frank Sinatra's Rat Pack.

Shoulder Jerry Lewis in sixteen films in this collection of 1964 celebrates wine, love (as in the famous That's Amore, where she sings - translation: A Napoli where love is Sovereign | When the boys meet the girls | Here's what say) | When the moon makes you open your eyes | How big a slice of pizza | This is love. | When the world seems to shine you | As if I had drunk too much wine | This is love. ) and friendship.

It turned out that during the live liquid he drank was not wine but ... apple juice!



-Dean MArtin-and-John-Wayne


Hey Brother Pour The Wine was written by Bagdasarian Sr..
Here we sit enjoying the shade
Hey brother, pour the wine 
Drink the drink That I have made 
​​Hey brother, pour the wine

Tell you why the day is sunny 
I'm in love with lips of honey 
Wait 'til you see the way she walks 
Hey brother, pour the wine

She is coming here to stay 
Hey brother, pour the wine 
I have waited for the day 
Hey brother, pour the wine

She writes of love in every letter 
Others have tried but I will get her 
Wait 'til you see the way she walks 
Hey brother, pour the wine

What is life? What is spring? 
What are all the stars That shine? 
Love, my friend is everything 
And love will soon be mine

Pour it as quickly as you can 
Hey brother, pour the wine 
Pour it quickly once again 
Hey brother, pour the wine

She's here at last my one and only 
Goodbye friends and do not be lonely 
Wait 'til you see the way she walks 
Hey brother, pour the wine

Blink your eyes and love Has passed 
Hey brother, pour the wine 
Her's was never made ​​to last 
Hey brother, pour the wine

She Introduced me to another 
No my friends, he's not her brother 
I will miss the way she walks 
Hey brother, pour the wine

Pour the wine, pour the wine 
Hey brother, pour the wine 
Pour the wine

Pour the Wine – Dean Martin

Categoria: Degustazioni musicali
Dean Martin è stato definito “L’uomo più cool mai vissuto sulla terra”.

Di origine italiana (il suo vero nome era Dino Paul Crocetti), il cantante e attore si era fatto la fama di gran bevitore, soprattutto con il gruppo Rat Pack guidato dall’amico Frank Sinatra.

Spalla di Jerry Lewis in sedici film, in questa raccolta del 1964 celebra il vino, l’amore (come nella famosa That’s Amore, dove canta – traduzione: A Napoli dove l’amore è Sovrano | Quando i ragazzi incontrano le ragazze | Ecco cosa dicono) | Quando la luna ti fa spalancare gli occhi | Come un grande fetta di pizza | Questo è l’amore. | Quando il mondo ti sembra splendere | Come se avessi bevuto troppo vino | Questo è l’amore.) e l’amicizia.

Si scoprì poi che durante i live il liquido che beveva non era vino ma… succo di mela!

tumblr_l81sufnmZF1qbrdf3o1_500dean Dean-MArtin-and-John-Wayne 134064629_Frank_439053b Dean-Martin_zpse32805ae

Hey Brother Pour The Wine è stata scritta da Sr. Bagdasarian.
Here we sit enjoying the shade
Hey brother, pour the wine
Drink the drink that I have made
Hey brother, pour the wine

Tell you why the day is sunny
I’m in love with lips of honey
Wait ’til you see the way she walks
Hey brother, pour the wine

She is coming here to stay
Hey brother, pour the wine
I have waited for the day
Hey brother, pour the wine

She writes of love in every letter
Others have tried but I will get her
Wait ’til you see the way she walks
Hey brother, pour the wine

What is life? What is spring?
What are all the stars that shine?
Love, my friend is everything
And love will soon be mine

Pour it as quickly as you can
Hey brother, pour the wine
Pour it quickly once again
Hey brother, pour the wine

She’s here at last my one and only
Goodbye friends and don’t be lonely
Wait ’til you see the way she walks
Hey brother, pour the wine

Blink your eyes and love has passed
Hey brother, pour the wine
Her’s was never made to last
Hey brother, pour the wine

She introduced me to another
No my friends, he’s not her brother
I will miss the way she walks
Hey brother, pour the wine

Pour the wine, pour the wine
Hey brother, pour the wine
Pour the wine


  1. When I first heard that particular Dino tune, I became obsessed with it. Wore that vinyl out and had to get a new one!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much for sharin' that deeply devoted Dino-testimony Miss AOW. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
