Sunday, August 31, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Fools Rush In"

Welcome back mi amici! Well, I guess this is the "unofficial end of Summer" pallies! Man o man...where do the days go?! Even months fly by like weeks!

Summer is hot & fun & I really dig the beach goin'...but... I gots to be honest pals...I'm kinda anticipatin' the Fall season. Love that "spooky" vibe in the air! Haha!

Hey pallies...whether your swingin' & singin' at some jammin' cook outs or just grillin' & chillin' at home, this long Labor Day weekend...thins' mite get a wee bit hectic.
 I'm bettin' we could ALL use a little serenity.

For today's Serenade, thinks I'm gonna ask our BESTEST pal, Dean, to wind this Summery season down with some COOL COOL & VERY laid back croonin'. "Fools Rush In' should set the Dino-mood so so PER FEC TO!

Now, this tune has been sung many many times by many many singers, pallies. But...NO ONE & I means NO ONE can't turn it into PURE PURE tranquility likes our pal!

So...when the grills have burned out...& everythin' is cleaned up & put away...find yourselves some "alone" time. Just youse & Dean. Pour up a little vino & remember what Dino says... When we met, I felt my life begin. So open up your heart, & let this fool rush in.
 Ahhhh serenity. Enjoy pals.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
And so I come to you my love my heart above my head
Though I see the danger there
If there's a chance for me then I don't care

Fools rush in where wise men never go
But wise men never fall in love so how are they to know
When we met I felt my life begin
So open up your heart and let this fool rush in

When we met I felt my life begin
So open up your heart and let this fool rush in 


  1. What a nice song and it seems a fitting end to summer.

    It is hard to believe it is Labor Day weekend already and i look forward to a nice fall - at least i hope it is nice. :-)

    Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

