Saturday, August 23, 2014

Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin 1966

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Hey pallies, likes our Dino-lovin' pallie Scotty has struck pay dirt 'gain with 'nother fabulous candid Dino-pose that we here at ilovedinomartin ain't rememberin' we have ever set our eyes on before.  This time our swingin'ly swank pallie Scotty, over at his personal blog pad, "BlueisKewl." has very recently shared a pix of our most beloved Dino from 1966.

We digs keepin' our eyes on our Dino as he keeps his eyes on the balls.....pool balls that is, while playin' of of his fav leisure sports.  We are always always eager to see what new Dino-discovery that our Scotty is goin' to share with all his readership, and we always always stand waitin' and willin' to pass it on to all youse Dino-philes here at our humble little Dino-waterin' hole!

Salute Scotty! for 'nother great great find of our great great man....keeps that Dino-searchin' goin' man 'cause in our Dino-book likes you are simply the bestest of the best Dino-devotees!  To checks this out at Scotty's site, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-sharin'  Dino-psyched, DMP

 Dean Martin 1966

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