Friday, August 22, 2014

"I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke....."

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion likes not only proves that Dino-adulation is internationale in scope, but that Dino-croons are where it is at when one is tryin' to makes it big on one of those reality entertainment shows.  From the UK blog pad, "The Stokes Sentinel" comes a post 'bout a retired Brit fight promoter, Mr. Paul Dykes, who hopes to make it big on "The Voice" TV programme by croonin' one of his fav Dino-tunes.

Seems Dykes who loves to do karaoke, loves to sings Dino-tunes the best.  Like as you will read below Dykes states, " "I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke and that's what I sang to impress. I sang the same song in Manchester in a room with a record executive and a Voice coach."
And when asked to sing 'nother song, this Dino-lovin' pallies chose "another Dean Martin track King Of The Road."

Likes we are proud as punch to know that this " Sixty-one-year-old" "roofing business owner" has chosen golden hits of our golden man to wow his audiences.  We here at ilovedinomartin certainly wishes Mr. Dykes the best on his journey towards fame and fortune.  We thanks the pallies at "The Stokes Sentinel" for sharin' this wonderful news story of 'nother way our King of Cool is bein' shared with the masses.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

VIDEO: Can Burslem boxing promoter land chance to impress Sir Tom Jones and fellow judges on The Voice?

By The Sentinel  |  Posted: August 20, 2014

SINGER: Paul Dykes.   Picture: Malcolm Hart
SINGER: Paul Dykes. Picture: Malcolm Hart

KARAOKE fan Paul Dykes popped down the pub for a sing-along – and could end up starring on The Voice.

The retired boxing promoter is waiting to hear if he will get the chance to perform for millions of viewers on the BBC1 show after proving a knockout with judges at The Leopard in Burslem.

Talent-spotters invited him to Manchester for an audition after hearing his version of Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me.

And if all goes well Paul could be performing the tune on the show while the celebrity coaches listen in their famous revolving chairs.

 Sixty-one-year-old Paul, from Burslem, said: "I heard The Voice was holding open mic auditions all over England.

"I only went down for a laugh and I was picked for an audition."

The roofing business owner added: "I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke and that's what I sang to impress. I sang the same song in Manchester in a room with a record executive and a Voice coach.

"They asked me to sing another song afterwards, so I chose another Dean Martin track King Of The Road."

If successful, Paul would have to take three weeks off in order to film for the live auditions – although he knows he will face some tough competition.

"I'm just a karaoke singer," he said. "There were semi-pro and professional singers who have done it all before. I've never done anything like this."

Even so, Paul, who also launched a fine art studio online last year, is up for the challenge. "I don't really get nerves," he said. "I used to be a boxer so I'm used to dealing with them.

"The only issue is remembering your lines and when to come in. When you're in the pub, the words are on a screen in front of you, so you don't have to think about it too much."

The live shows – which featured Sir Tom Jones,, Kylie Minogue and Kaiser Chiefs frontman Ricky Wilson as coaches in the 2014 line-up – are set to return in the new year, co-hosted by Emma Willis former JLS star Marvin Humes.

Paul added: "It won't be the end of the world if I'm not picked, I've got the experience now. If I were 21 it would be different, but I'm over 60 now. It's just a brilliant story to tell the youngsters." Former brother-in-law John Matranga, 57, of Bradeley, said: "I have heard Paul sing regularly. I was in Burslem watching him perform. Some of the youngsters there sang pretty well."

"He's not taking it seriously and he hasn't offended anyone with his voice. Nobody has punched him because of it."


  1. Thank you for bringing this wonderful story to our attention.

    I hope Mr. Paul Dykes does well on 'The Voice' !

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, as always dude you are likes most welcome...we're pullin' for Dino-lovin' Paul as well! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
