Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Yes people, I have a sincere affection for Deano.

Hey pallies, likes we here at our humble little blog of Dino-devotion  simply simply loves to features other pallies who loves to share their fondness for our Dino with their blog readership.  Likes today we stopped in at the pad, "the muse - a little corner of Bates Mercantile Co. where inspiration and creativity live."  Modded by a lady tagged Pam who tells us that she is "a full-time creative" and that she has "had my own Adv/Marketing/PR business for 19+ years."

Pam has used her considerable creativity to share how our most beloved Dino is her inspiration.  Her post, "Monday Musical Interlude" accents her passion for our main man as she listened to our Dino croonin' to her in Italiano.  Her devotion to our King of Cool is deeply deep as she opines...."Damn if I don't love that man." and  "Yes people, I have a sincere affection for Deano."

She shares a youtube clip of our Dino croonin' "Oh, Marie" live, as well as links that we have turned into clips of our Dino singin' "Volare" and "An Evening In Roma" live.  And, the third vid clip is our Dino and Bing croonin'' an "Irish and Italian Medley."

ilovedinomartin salutes Miss Pam and thanks her for so openly and creatively sharin' just how much our Dino means to her as an inspiration for her.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-desirin', DMP

Monday Musical Interlude
Mr. Martin If You Please

Do you listen to music while you work away? Podcasts? The TV in the background? Nothing?

Today I'm listening to Mr. Martin crooning to me in Italian.

Damn if I don't love that man. He sings like he's just hanging out in your living room singing you a little song off the cuff.

Smooth as all get out, and when he sings in Italian, I admit I might get a little weak in the knees.

Yes people, I have a sincere affection for Deano.

You see, I have a thing for cheeky fellows.  And Deano is nothing if not cheeky.

 I love the low notes these guys hit.

Yes Sir-ee. A little Dean playing in the background never hurt anyone.

So? What are you listening to on this Monday in May?

Make it a great day. It's the only one you've got!

Ciao for now,



  1. Love that Irish/Italian medley!

    Hard to believe that the clip was filmed so long ago -- in 1958. It holds up well, doesn't it?

    Our Dino's artistry is timeless!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW..."timeless" indeed...that is why everyday more and more folks are turnin' on to our Dino. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
