Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tom Elliott's Dean Martin Photograph

Hey pallies, likes woo-hoo woo-hoo dudes, likes we here at ilovedinomartin are likes in total total Dino-rapture!!!!! The reason pallies?  Well today we gets to share with all youse Dino-philes what we consider one of the most fabulous, if not the most fabulous  candid shot of our Dino ever snapped.  The pix below is one that we have so so very very much loved since we first got a glimpse of it long time ago....but up until today all we have ever seen before is a wee wee thumb nail  ver-si-ion of it, but today we gets to full it in it's fullest of full Dino-glory.

And, likes not only do we gets the large pose to relish, likes with it we gets to know the history behind the image as well.  We were doin' a bit of Dino-searchin' on the ol' web when one thin' led to 'nother and we ended up at the pad, "ablolute" where the Dino-image is located.  Likes now we know that the photo was shot in the in 1967 by Mr. Tom Elliott who was production manager of Dateline: Hollywood.

Likes it's one of the most iconic images of our most beloved Dino, out clubbin', lightin' up a Kent Cigarette with his solid gold Dunhill lighter.  Likes how the lighter's flame enlightens  our King of Cool's fabulous face just couldn't be more powerfully perfect.  Now likes only wishes that we coulda finds a way to pony up the bread to purchase this Dino-portrait for our very very own!

Truly truly words can't express our deepest of deep delight in findin' out more information 'bout this wondrously wonder pose of our Dino, and we salute Mr. Tom Elliott for capturin' this swankest of swank stunnin'ly steller shot of our great great man.  If any of youse pallies have the where-for-all to claim this tremendous treasure of Dino-treasures for your very own, simply clicks on the tag of this post to goes to the original pad for all the purchase details.    Dino-desirin' DMP

Tom Elliott: Dean Martin, 1967 Black and White Photograph

Candid portrait done while I was production manager for the filmed portions of Dateline: Hollywood. It was a five day a week entertainment show on ABC-TV. It starred Joanna Barnes and Rona Barrett. This is part of a collection of Hollywood stars done for personal satisfaction. These photos were not part of my job. Since the job was stressfull they were done at first just to keep from getting an ulcer. 

Artist:Tom Elliott
Title:Dean Martin
Type:Original Or Print From Artist
Medium:Photography Black and White
Width:11 inches
Height:14 inches
Theme:Famous People
Price:US$ 525 


  1. I couldn't agrees more pallie! That is a pic among pics!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much for the nod of Dino-approval! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
