Saturday, May 17, 2014


Hey pallies, likes yesterday's Dino-gram of the great great news of the May 27th Legacy release of the 4 disc cd  DEAN MARTIN: THE BOXED SET SERIES at a bargain price made us remember the even better bargain Dino-set that was released last fall and reported here on November 19, 2013.  An import from the "Real Gone Jazz" label it was the steal of all Dino-steals.....8----count 'em----8 of our Dino's al-b-ums packaged together at the price of what one might expect to pay for one.

Well when we checked today we learned that this fab-u-lous collection after less then a year is already OUT OF PRINT!!!!   We noted that, for example, the pallies at Amazon have some sellers still sellin' the collection at a very very low price, but we are wonderin' how long they'll last and we wanted to give all youse Dino-holics a heads up that if you haven't got this amazin' set yet.....tarry no longer...and gets it ordered asap.   An offer like this will unlikely be repeated in the future....and we are certainly glad that we ordered our set when we first discovered it.

Likes to recap  these  eight al-b-ums  include 6 releases from Capitol Records: Pretty Baby, Sleep Warm, A Winter Romance, This Time I'm Swingin', Dino Italian Love Songs, and Cha Cha de Amor; and 2 releases from Reprise: Dean Martin French Style, and Dino Latino.  For those on a tight budget, for those pretty new to the Dean-scene, and for even seasoned Dino-holics likes us, this is truly truly a wonderful Dino-find.

So while you wait to gets your hands on Legacy's first box Dino-set due the end of this month, run not walk to your 'puter and orders the DEAN MARTIN EIGHT CLASSIC ALBUMS  while the grabbin' is still good.  'Nother reminder that we mustn't tarry when these amazin' Dino-deals comes our way.  Dino-grabbin', DMP

Audio CD (September 24, 2013) NOW OFFICIALLY OUT OF PRINT!
  • Number of Discs: 4
  • Format: Box set, Import
  • Label: Real Gone Jazz
UPC: 5036408151728


  1. I've got 'em all -- the original vinyls. **smile**

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, it we recall correctly, you also were one of the fortunate ones to gets your hands on this Dino-collection on cd as well...very very wise move. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
