Friday, May 16, 2014


Hey pallies, likes how's this for a steal of  a Dino-deal......45 amazin' Dino-croons for likes 'bout 20 bucks ($21.97 retail price)?!?!?!?!  Releasin' on May 27,  "DEAN MARTIN: THE BOX SET SERIES,"  is 'nother new release from the pallies at Sony's Legecy Recordin's, the newest home for our most beloved Dino's Reprise Recordin's and his last al-b-um under the Warner Bros. label.

News of  this 4----count 'em----4 cd set has been on the web for a few, but just today as we were doin' our daily Dino-home work of searchin' we finally located a pad that not only has shown the al-b-um cover, but a listin' of all 45 songs as well.   So, likes thanks to the pallies at the great recordin' blog "ALL MUSIC" we shares with you all the details below.

The collection is an interestin' mix of all time great hits with many many lesser known Dino-croons thrown in.
Woulda be likes so so intriguin' to know how the Legecy folks came up with this particular mix of our great man's great songs.  Likes don't know it there were be a booklet with the set, but Legecy's first Dino-disc release, "Playlist: The Very Best Of Dean Martin," had a very very nice little booklet for our Dino-edification.

So, likes even though  we have tons of Dino-croons on various Dino-discs, we are goin' to be puttin' in our order to our local shop for this latest of latest of Dino-releases.  Checkin' a number of sites on the web, we also discovered that most of 'em are sellin' the set for 'round $20.  Thanks 'gain to the pallies at "ALL MUSIC" for makin' this information known.  To visit 'em and checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-anticipatin', DMP

The Box Set Series


  1. What a GREAT deal this is. I am sure this will interest a lot of people. Great find!

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, likes thanks ever so much for those words of Dino-encouragement my friend. Keeps lovin', keeps patterin' on our most beloved Dino!
