Friday, January 10, 2014

"Volare" -- the Italian song made famous by Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes how cool is this dudes?!?!?!  With all the great Dino-devotion to share with all youse Dino-philes, today's Dino-topic slipped by us, but not by our ever-faithful-to-Dino pallie Scotty over at his ever cool blog, "BlueisKewl."   As you will note below our pallie Scotty has reported 'bout a lawsuit accentin' one of our great man's greatest hits..."Volare."

Likes you can read all the details below, courtesy of our Scotty dude.  And, likes ain't it a kick in a head that even a lawsuit is helpin' lift up the name of our Dino to a wider and wider audience.  Gotta wonder dudes likes just how many tons of folks will come the Dino-way as they learn of this latest legal battle.   Likes our most beloved Dino can simply use anythin' to draw those he desires to join him in his world!

ilovedinomartin salutes our most Dino-devoted pallie Scotty at "BlueisKewl" for spreadin' not only this most recent Dino-news but for his faithful attention to helpin' his blog readership develop deeper and deeper appreciato for our King of Cool.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Always In Dino, DMP     btw Scotty, might we say you have excellent taste in postin' such cool cool Dino-images!

"Volare" -- the Italian song made famous by Dean Martin -- is the centerpiece of a nasty legal battle ... and it will determine who gets to sing it ... and where.

You know the song -- Voooo lar e  oh oh oh oh ....

Part of the fight is over who controls the rights to the American version -- the music publisher or the family of the guy who co-wrote it when it was first recorded in Italy in 1958.

There's a lot at stake ... "Volare" is still a big hit -- and not just in karaoke bars. There've been at least 40 different covers  -- from artists like Frank Zappa, Paul McCartney, and David Bowie.

And whoever owns the song will have the power to decide who can record it.

Whatever happens in the lawsuit .... Volare -- the shower version -- is still okay to sing.


  1. It will be interesting to see what happens with this song made world famous by Dino!

    Thank you for the kind words my friend. I hope all the Dino lovers in the world have a Safe and Very happy New Year 2014!

    Keep up your wonderful work!

  2. Hey pallie, truly pallie Scotty it will be very very interestin' to see what happens...but likes no matter what....the name of our Dino keeps bein' lifted up, and likes that all very very Dino-good. Thanks for your kind words as well Scotty dude! Kees lovin' our most beloved Dino!
