Thursday, January 09, 2014

But, this song was made for one man – Dean Martin.

THE CHRISTMAS BLUES — IN THE HEART | mardecortésbaja. Alley blues — Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes we didn't plan to 'gain go back to Dino-wintery activities here at our little Dino-conclave, but likes dudes the post below simply beckoned us to share one more Dino-seasonal croon with all you Dino-philes!   From the brit blog, "all that's left - a guide to surviving the coalition," scriber Charlie_East_West has created such wondrously wise prose praisin' our Dino's croonin of "Let It Snow" that we just knew that we couldn't wait for the next Dino-winter-month to shares it with youse.

By now, all regular readers of ilovedinomartin know that our Dino's ver-si-on of "Let It Snow" was certified by the pallies at ASCAP as the numero uno placed winter tune of 2013, and Charlie simply loves loves loves our most beloved Dino's recordin' of it.....meanin' the alternative version recorded by our great great man in 1966.

 Charlie proudly professes his adulation by sayin', "But, this song was made for one man – Dean Martin. And, he continues his powerful praise with these wise words, "Just look at the record cover – Dean Martin looks like a man who is extremely comfortable in his own skin – white socks, loafers, logs on the fire. Well played Dino – You didn’t give a shit. Well played indeed."

ilovedinomartin gives kudos to pallie Charlie for "all that's left" for spreadin' so so much Dino-love in his powerful post that of course will help many of his readership to simply digs our Dino to the mostest.   To checks this out in  it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

#822: 1966, Dean Martin, Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! (Alternate Version)


Ring-A-Ding-Ding! It’s Dino time.
This song is one of my favourite festive related songs of all time. Or rather, one of my favourite seasonal songs of all time. Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow! was originally written by Sammy Cahn and Jule Styne in July 1945. It was written in California during one of the hottest days ever recorded. The song therefore, is laced in irony. The song was then recorded in 1945 by Vaughn Monroe – reaching No. 1 on the Billboard music chart in 1946.
It is now one of the best-selling songs of all time, Let It Snow! has been covered hundreds of times. Due to its seasonal lyrics, it is generally regarded as a Christmas song. However, the song has no Christmas references and is therefore a seasonal song shared by those who do not join in the celebration of Christmas.
But, this song was made for one man – Dean Martin. Who recorded the song twice – in 1959 and 1966. But, for me, the best version of his Let it Snow!recordings – is his alternate version of the song in 1966. He smoothed the song out, added a sprinkling of gospel, and a great big dollop of lounge.
Just look at the record cover – Dean Martin looks like a man who is extremely comfortable in his own skin – white socks, loafers, logs on the fire. Well played Dino – You didn’t give a shit. Well played indeed.


  1. Man...this cat REALLY gets Dean! Luv it.

  2. Hey pallie, likes I just knew Danny-o that you'd likes totally digs this dude's Dino-perspective! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
