Wednesday, January 29, 2014

John "Duke" Wayne and Dean Martin in "Rio Bravo"..!

Hey pallies, likes dudes are we psyched today here at ilovedinomartin.  Likes any of youse pallies remember our pallie tagged "Geronimo" over at "ONESIXWARRIORS.COM?"  Likes he's the dude who created those totally totally awesome one-sixth scale model figures of our most beloved Dino and his partner Jerry (see April 6, 8,9,12, 2013 posts).  Well, likes Geronimo has struck Dino-gold 'gain, this time with figures of our Dino and the Duke from our great man's greatest of great western actin' gig in "Rio Bravo."

Likes below are some pixs of our Dino as the Dude and Mr. Wayne as Sheriff John T. Chance.  Likes we certainly woulda loves to have our own set of these figures as well to be able to retell this classic of classic Dino-western.  It is obvious that our pallie Geronimo is into our Dino in a huge huge way and we certainly do applaud his applyin' his talents to this hands-on way of rememberin' the life and times of our most most beloved Dino!  Likes, it certainly woulda be the best if likes these figures woulda be massed produced so likes each and every Dino-phile coulda have 'em for their very very own!

So, indeed, likes ilovedinomartin shares our biggest of big Dino-buddha grin and our biggest of biggest Dino-applause to our Dino-diggin' pallie Mr. Geronimo for such an awesome way of homagin' our King of Cool.  And, likes we also wanna thanks the dudes at google Dino-'lerts for puttin' us on to this golden Dino-discovery!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

John "Duke" Wayne and Dean Martin in "Rio Bravo"..!

Saddle 'em up and let's move out!

John Wayne and Dean Martin in "Rio Bravo"!

"That's pod-d-d!!!"


  1. They look really cool, pallie!! Great.

    Cheers, my friend! ;)

  2. Hey pallie, likes cool to hear you digs 'em Kinezoe refreshin' to hear from our Dino-addicted pallie! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
