Monday, January 13, 2014

For weeks now, a friend has been imploring me to check out some music by Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram is simply simply one that will warm the heart of each and every pallie that names the name of our Dino!  Likes today's devotion is perfectly proof positive of the impact that one Dino-devotee can make in the life of 'nother not-yet-completely-sold-out-to our most beloved Dino!

From the blog, "Anywhere The Needle Drops - FOR LOVE OF LIFE AND MUSIC" comes the post "Blue Moon" scribed by blogger Mr. Justin Flagel of Southwestern, Michigan.  The "Blue Moon" in the title is of course in reference to the classic croon by our Dino of said tag.

Seems a pallie of Justin's had "for weeks now" been " imploring (him) to check out some music by Dean Martin."  And, as you read Justin did just that and discovered that "Of course, as I researched, I realized I’d heard quite a bit of Dean Martin in pop culture without realizing it…really, the man is everywhere, I just didn’t know I knew him."

And, likes as added encouragement Justin's Dino-diggin' "said friend gifted" him with  "an iTunes card with the instructions to enjoy as I will…as long as I purchase at least one Dean Martin song.  The song was Blue Moon."   Now likes likes how heart-Dino-warmin' better can it get then that dudes?!?!?!?!  This simply Dino-tale simply show all us Dino-philes the way to helpin' our pallies to get deeper and deeper into their diggin' of our main man.

ilovedinomartin thanks Mr. Justin Flagel for sharin' his Dino-testimonial with his readership and givin' all us Dino-holics the encouragement to share our passion for our Dino with others we know.  To checks this out in it's original format, sinply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
btw, Flagel just happens to make mention of our Dino's only and only great MTV vid, "Since I Met You Baby" likes ilovedinomartin simply has to share it with our readership at the end of this Dino-gram.

 Blue Moon

Posted on January 6, 2014 by Red Chuck Productions Standard

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

For weeks now, a friend has been imploring me to check out some music by Dean Martin.

Now, sure, I’d listened to a little Dean Martin in my day, but most of that was Christmas music, so I really couldn’t claim to have any real knowledge of the man.  Of course, as I researched, I realized I’d heard quite a bit of Dean Martin in pop culture without realizing it…really, the man is everywhere, I just didn’t know I knew him.

Speaking of knowledge, did you know he actually had a video an MTV, with his version of Since I Met You Baby?

I recently had a birthday and said friend gifted me an iTunes card with the instructions to enjoy as I will…as long as I purchase at least one Dean Martin song.  The song was Blue Moon:

Image from

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