Sunday, January 12, 2014

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In The Cool Cool Cool Of The Evening"


Well we are. Right smack in the heart of Winter. Nuthin' much to do. Nuthin' much goin' on. Now if youse is likes me...youse gets just a little bit bored this time of year.

Well there's only ONE way that I found to gets my blood pumpin' & gets this cold cold season jumpin'! Yea youse guessed it pals...throw on some swingin' tunes perfectly seasoned with Dean Martin croons! Man, Dino makes me so so poetic! Hahaha!!! I'm pushin' it now pallies!
Well I just can't help it pals...these fun & bouncy jams of Dean's just put in some CRAZY HAPPY kinda mood! Man o man...I gots to calm down!!!

Anyway pals, I plucked this week's Serenade from Dino's weekly show, but I believe the tune goes WAY back to his Capitol Records years. Truly a hidden gem for me!

 "In the Cool Cool Cool of the Evening" is PER FEC TO to gets your head back into the game & set your sights for fun days ahead! WAKE UP PALLIES!!! Dean's waitin'! Let's hitch a ride with The ONLY King of Cool & keep the cool cool cool jams flowin'! Enjoy!

In the cool cool cool of the evening
Tell 'em I'll be there
In the cool cool cool of the evening
You better save a chair
When the party's getting a glow on
Singing fills the air
In the shank of the night when the doings are right
You can tell 'em I'll be there

Sue wants a barbecue
Sam wants to boil ham
Grace votes for bouillabaisse stew
Jake wants a wienie bake, steak and a layer cake
He'll get a tummy ache too

We'll rent a tent or tepee
Let the town crier cry
And if it's RSVP
This is what I'll reply

In the cool cool cool of the evening
Tell 'em I'll be there
In the cool cool cool of the evening
You better save a chair
When the party's getting a glow on
Singing fills the air
In the shank of the night when the doings are right
You can tell 'em I'll be there