Friday, January 31, 2014

A hep cast that also includes Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram accents one of those lesser known and hard to find copies of Dino-flick, "Career," from 1959.   From the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog, "Click Americana - Memories & Memorabilia," comes a very very brief review of this Dino-drama that has  yet to be released on DVD.  Likes at one point it did get a release on VHS and copies of that are floatin' 'round the web.

While we have never ever seen this lesser known big screen Dino-effort, we are oh so eager to some day be able to do so.  The combination of our most beloved Dino, Miss Shirley MacLaine, and Anthony Franciosa is just so so special.......and certainly whenever our great great man goes before the cameras magic simply has to appear.

ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "Click Americana - Memories & Memorabilia" for remindin' all us Dino-holics of 'nother of our Dino's fabulous flicks, and perhaps, just perhaps, this is a sign of thin's to come....with the hoped for release of "Career" on DVD.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-desirin', DMP

Movie review: Career, with Dean Martin & Shirley MacLaine (1959)

The reel dope: ”Career”

“Was it worth it?” theatrical-agent Carolyn Jones asks actor Anthony Franciosa, who has struggled to make good through this entire film and finally, as the curtain falls, moves from a small off-Broadway playhouse to the sought-after goal of the Great White Way.
“Yes!” he replies. “Yes, it was worth it.”
This Franciosa, otherwise Sam Lawson, is certainly a glutton for punishment. But if you doubt his story, peel your eyes next time you’re around Times Square’s Shubert Alley; you’ll see many Sam Lawsons.
A hep cast that also includes Dean Martin, a director; Shirley MacLaine, his wacky girlfriend; and Joan Blackman, Franciosa’s first wife, helps make it all absorbingly realistic. (Hal B Wallis; Paramount)
Career with Dean Martin Shirley MacLaine

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