Saturday, October 05, 2013


Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin simply loves the huge huge variety of ways that our most beloved Dino is shown amore on the ol' 'net, and likes we loves each and every unique way folks are keepin' the Dino-revolution in full tilt.  Today, likes we takes you to 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog pad with one of the most interestin' tags ever....."Bringing Sexy Back To Beer Drinking," where the blogger has shared a photo still of our great man and fellow cool dude Mr. Peter Lawford in a scene from the original "Oceans 11."

As the  Dino-pose is labeled, "Dean Martin Drinking Smoking"...that is what our King of Cool is doin' with Peter lookin' on....likes makes us wanna grab our copy of O11 and immediately gives it a viewin'.  Our Dino and Peter truly have the bestest of best chemistry together on screen and wishes that the two of 'em woulda co-starred in a big screen effort besides their Rat Pack flicks.

ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "Bringing Sexy Back To Beer Drinking" for sharin' this extemely evocative Dino-pose with their readership.  To checks this out in it's orginal format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  Deeply Diggin' Dino, DMP

Oceans 11 Eleven Dean Martin Drinking Smoking Peter Lawford Original 8X10 Photo
Oceans 11 Eleven Dean Martin Drinking Smoking Peter Lawford Original 8X10 Photo


  1. DMP,
    Off topic...Just letting you know that I had to undergo emergency, major eye surgery for a retinal detachment. That's the reason that I haven't been by here. So many restrictions and so much pain! Not to mention not being able to see much of anything at all out of the operated eye (my dominant and, until now, my good eye).

    I'm not sure when the doctor will allow me to be back on the web "full time." Maybe today! I hope.

  2. Forgot to say...

    I will likely need more than one eye operation to save any sight in my left eye.

    I haven't been posting at my own web site. It looks as if I have done so, but I had all those posts queued up in advance. My blog partner Sam is running my site right now.

  3. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much for thinkin' of ilovedinomartin to let us know what's goin' on with you.
    So sorry to hear about your eye problems...trusts the eye surgeon will do all they can to save your vision in that left eye. Do what the doctors tell you, and take good care Miss AOW. Of, course, I must encourage you to take in massive quanities of our Dino to relax and refresh you in this time. Will look forward to your return when the light is green. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
