Sunday, October 06, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "S'Wonderful"

Hey there pals...don't knows 'bout youse...but 'round good ol' Massachusetts...things been kinda rainy & cloudy lately. Just 'nother dreary Fall day in New England I suppose. So...rather than just sit back & take it...I figured I'd have our numero uno pallie help gets us BACK into a "sunshiny mood" with today's Serenade!

Now this might not be one of our most "traditional" type Serenade's...but then again...neither was Dean a particularly traditional type performer! A little singin'...a little laughin'...a little drinkin'! Hahaha!

I grabbed this little musical/comedy skit from Dean's great great flick..."Kiss Me Stupid". "S'Wonderful" is pieced together here & there throughout Dino's openin' scene & is SURE to squeeze some FUN & SUN outta these clouds!!!

Let's sit back & watch the MASTER do what he does best...just bein' Dino! Enjoy pals!!! 

S wonderful, s marvelous
You should care for me!
S awful nice, s paradise,
S what I love to see.

You've made my life so glamorous,
You can't blame me for feeling amorous!
Oh s wonderful, s marvelous,
That you should care for me!
My dear it's four-leaf clover time;
From now on my hearts working overtime.
Oh, s wonderful! s marvelous
That you should care for me!

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