Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Martin was nicknamed the “King of Cool” due to his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assuredness.

Hey pallies, likes there must be billions and billions of photos of our most beloved Dino that were snapped in his amazin' lifetime, and likes ilovedinomartin has over the course of the last number of years shared a ton of 'em with all you pallies.  Yet, likes we are always always thrilled to find  Dino-images likes that we have never ever remembered seein' before.

Such is the image that popped up while doin' a Dino-blog search with the pallies at google.  Below from the blog pad,  "Independent Film, News and Media" under their regular feature of "Quick Pix" is a glorious shot of our glorious Dino that likes we never ever can remember seein' before.  Likes the look on our Dino's face is that irresistible  glance that our Dino is famous for.

And, paired with this great Dino-pose is the excellent trib vid by a Swedish Dino-devotee that first appeared here 'round Dino-winter-day 2012.  Always, always so heartwarmin' to find so so much Dino-devotion bein' shared all over the ol' web.  Hats off to the pallies at "Independent Film, News, and Media" for sharin' this Dino-treat with their readership and helpin' others grow deeper and deeper in their Dino-appreciato.  Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP

Quick Pix: Dean Martin
Dean Martin (born Dino Paul Crocetti; June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian. One of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th Century, Martin was nicknamed the “King of Cool” due to his seemingly effortless charisma and self-assuredness. A member of the “Rat Pack,” Martin was a major star in four areas of show business: concert stage/nightclubs, recordings, motion pictures, and television. He was the host of the successful television variety program The Dean Martin Show (1965–1974), and subsequently The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts (1974–1985).


  1. Hey pallie, likes great Dino-memories indeed...and likes how wonderful for technology to helps us keeps gettin' our Dino-highs! Keeps lovin' our msot beloved Dino!
