Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Just felt like looking at Dean Martin today.

Hey pallies, likes when ilovedinomartin read the tag of today's Dino-post likes we gots like a huge Dino-buddha-grin on our face....'cause likes we always always gets so so happy when we find 'nother pallie who loves gettin' their fix on our most beloved Dino.

Miss Java Bean Rush, at her blog "Java's Journey," shares a picture of our Dino, snapped by the folks at LIFE magazine in 1958, on the set of some television production. And, likes we don't ever remember seein' this particular Dino-pix before. Likes any of you pallies have any details on this Dino-pose? Woulda loves to learn any Dino-thoughts that you woulda be able to share.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to Miss Java Bean Rush for sharin' some Dino with her readers. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-ever, DMP

Just felt like looking at Dean Martin today.

That was a nice break.

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