Monday, August 26, 2013

Dino’s at it again…

Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin sure as shootin' has posted this Dino-image before, but likes we couldn't resist sharin' it 'gain 'cause of the randy tag to this Dino-devotion.  From the pad, " - A BLOG DEDICATED TO THE LAMBRETTA, THE WORLD'S FINEST MOTOR SCOOTER." comes this provocative pix of our most beloved Dino gettin' reachin' to hold on for a ride on the scooter.

Dino-holics everywhere will recognize this pose as our Dino playin' spyster Matt Helm in caper numero tres, "The Ambushers.  Our great man was always always havin' himself a blast as the coolest secret agent ever!

ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at "" for sharin' such Dino-fun with their readership...certainly helpin' to draw many many more into the Dino-fold.  Likes to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-diggin', DMP

 Dino’s at it again…

 Dean Martin on a Cento

Dean Martin on a Cento

Before Austin Powers, there was Matt Helm… a spoof secret agent played by Dean Martin. A hard drinking, womanising, wisecracking american counterpart to 007, Dino played it strictly for laughs, and took every opportunity to get his leg over. On this occasion, he’s given up trying to kick start the LD, and got his leg over a J Range… And riding pillion he’s looking for somewhere to hold on!


  1. Hey pallie, likes Miss Gaia, thanks ever so much for your nice Dino-thoughts. Hopes likes to get more patter from you.
