Sunday, August 25, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Where Can I Go Without You?"

Man o man pallies...Dean's REALLY in a bind this time!!! He is quite frankly & quite simply head over heels for 'nother lucky chicalina!!! He can't get her outta his mind & can't kick her outta his heart!

This week's Serenade is off my fav o rite Dino al b um of ALL time..."The Lush Years". On this sultry little number,"Where Can I Go Without You?", we find our coolest of cool pal floatin' 'round the globe tryin' to get this sweet sweet dame off the brain.

To no avail though pals, Dino just can't seem to shake the memory of his precious love back home. I'm guessin' Dean's gonna hop the next shootin' star & just face the fact that he can't escape his heart! Good luck pallie!


I went to London town
Then on to Paris for the fun I could find
I've found I couldn't leave my memories behind
Where can I go without you

Tries seeing Singapore but that wouldn't do
Went to Vienna but I found you there too
Even in Switzerland your memory came through
Where can I go without you

I want to travel I wanted romance
I chased that rainbow across the sea
I'm tired of faces and quaint old places
If you can't be there with me

Back on that boat again and farewell to France
Farewell to London town they haven't a chance
I'll trade the sights I've seen for one loving glance
Where can I go without you

Back on the boat again farewell to France
Farewell to London town they haven't a chance
I'll trade the sights I've seen for one loving glance
Where can I go
Where can I go
Where can I go without you


  1. I remember the album this tune comes from: The Lush Years. Such easier listening with our Dino's velvet voice crooning such wonderful love songs.

  2. BTW, The Lush Years should be listened to by candlelight or other subdued lighting. And with a glass of vino, too!

  3. Ms.AOW...I COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!! My favorite al b um of ALL time!!! Hope it brought back some wonderful memories!

  4. Danny,
    Every track on that album is a winner!

    Good to know that you appreciate this album as much as I do.
