Friday, June 14, 2013

........ nothing beside the true icon of cool, Dean Martin.

Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, the Dino-devotion keeps pourin' in from all over the world wide web payin' tribute to our great man on his great day of comin' to the planet.  Today through google blog Dino-search I was led to a pad tagged "The Red Room' where Portuguese blogger Mr.Michelangelo Ribeiro, who hails from Oeiras, Portugal  has crafted a huge huge piece of Dino-homagin' in memoriam of our most beloved Dino.

Likes as you will see below, Mr. Riberiro had selected a grand variety of Dino-poses from varies stages of our Dino's life and scribes grand bits of Dino-info to goes 'long with the Dino-images.  All in all it is a fab trib to our King of Cool.  It is just so so cool to find pallies from all over the Dino-world sharin' their love of our Dino with their blog readership.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Michelangelo Ribeiro for the great amount of time and energy he has put into selectin' pixs and write prose all in the cause of liftin' up the name of our Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

In Memoriam: Dean Martin

Dino Paul Crocetti was born on June 7, 1917 in Steubenville, USA and died on December 25, 1995. Dino is not the most popular actors of the classic era of Hollywood, but when it comes to versatility and charisma will always be among the greats. And the famous coolness George Clooney is nothing beside the true icon of cool, Dean Martin. After being boxer, worker and gas station clerk in 1946, the first partnership with comedian Jerry Lewis in the movie My Friend Irma, gave a boost to your career.

Until 1957 Dean and Lewis kept the duo, but due to some disagreements, the first pursued a solo career and a different course. In The Young Lion (1958), alongside Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift proved it could be a dramatic actor and the classic Rio Bravo (1959), Howard Hawks and starring John Wayne showed us another side of the actor, in the role the gunman and gambler drunk dude.

Here are the years of the Rat Pack, Lauren Baccall name assigned to the group of friends Humphrey Bogart, but that in 60 years, referred mainly to Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop. Ocean's 11 is one of the most memorable films of this phase in the career of singer and actor, which also fit Bells are Ringing (1960), Something's Got to Give (1962) and Kiss Me, Stupid (1964).

Later, he gave life to a secret agent Matt Helm movie series - The Silencers (1966), Murderer's Row (1966), The Ambushers (1967) and The Wrecking Crew (1968) that combine action, humor and romance.

From 1965 television gained a leading role in the life of Dino with the debut of The Dean Martin Show, which under different names over the years (The Dean Martin Comedy Hour and The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts), remained the air until 1973.
Obviously music has always been a very important part of his career and there are themes that were forever bound to his voice, like That's Amore, You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You, and Everybody Loves Somebody Is not that a Kick in the Head, among many others. Michelangelo Ribeiro 

Sexta-feira, 7 de Junho de 2013

In Memoriam: Dean Martin

Dino Paul Crocetti nasceu em 7 de Junho de 1917 em Steubenville, EUA e morreu em 25 de Dezembro de 1995. Dino não será dos actores mais populares da era clássica de Hollywood, mas no que toca à versatilidade e carisma estará sempre entre os grandes. E a famosa coolness de George Clooney não é nada ao pé do verdadeiro ícone do cool, Dean Martin. Depois de ter sido pugilista, operário e funcionário de gasolineira, em 1946, a primeira parceria com o comediante Jerry Lewis, no filme My Friend Irma, deu um impulso à sua carreira artística.

Até 1957 Dean e Lewis mantiveram a dupla, mas, devido a algumas desavenças, o primeiro seguiu uma carreira a solo e um rumo diferente. Em The Young Lion (1958), ao lado de Marlon Brando e Montgomery Clift provou que poderia ser um actor dramático e o clássico Rio Bravo (1959), de Howard Hawks e protagonizado por John Wayne, mostrou-nos outra faceta do actor, no papel do pistoleiro e jogador ébrio Dude.

Seguem-se os anos do Rat Pack, nome que Lauren Baccall atribuiu ao grupo de amigos de Humphrey Bogart, mas que, nos anos 60, referia-se, sobretudo, a Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford e Joey Bishop. Ocean's 11 é um dos filmes mais marcantes dessa fase na carreira do cantor e actor, onde cabem também Bells are Ringing (1960), Something's Got to Give (1962) e Kiss Me, Stupid (1964).

Mais tarde, deu vida ao agente secreto Matt Helm numa série de filmes - The Silencers (1966), Murderer's Row (1966), The Ambushers (1967) e The Wrecking Crew (1968) que combinam acção, humor e romance.

A partir de 1965 a televisão ganhou um papel preponderante na vida de Dino, com a estreia de The Dean Martin Show, o qual, sob diferentes nomes ao longo dos anos (The Dean Martin Comedy Hour e The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts), manteve-se no ar até 1973.
Obviamente a música foi sempre uma parte muito importante da sua carreira e há temas que ficaram eternamente ligados à sua voz, como That's Amore, You're Nobody Till Somebody Loves You, Everybody Loves Somebody e Ain't that a Kick in the Head, entre muitos outros.

Miguel Ângelo Ribeiro

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