Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dino Paul Crocetti (June 7, 1917)

Hey pallies, likes homagin's  of our Dino's entrance onto our planet are as delightfully diverse as our Dino's many many talents.  Today we shares with all youse dudes a great great bit of Dino-devotion from a Dino-tumbler blog where an obviously sold-out to Dino Dino-phile has shared 10---count 'em---10 Dino-motion pixs captured from moments from our Dino's marvelous show.

Likes what an outstandin'ly clever way of sharin' our Dino's coolest of cool charm!  Just lookin' at each of 'em brings back such lovin' memories when our Dino claimed the small screen as his own.  Likes am so so happy to have had the google Dino-blog search brings me to this pad for this Dino-day appreciato!

Hats off to the Tumblr blogger who with their Dino-creativity created these active reflections on the life and times of our most beloved Dino.  To checks this out in it's original format at Tumblr, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-awed, DMP

Happy Birthday, Dino Paul Crocetti (June 7, 1917)
“I’ll be carrying you in my heart wherever I go, because I love you.” — Jerry Lewis


  1. Love these mini-Dino-clips!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes love 'em indeed...glads they have brought some Dino-pleasure to your Dino-day! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Very clever!

    Those words from Jerry Lewis are wonderful.

  4. Hey pallie, yes, I love readin' Mr. Lewis's words of tender and true devotion to our most beloved Dino. Glad you digs the post Miss AOW. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
