Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Martin was nicknamed the "King of cool" by his charisma, seemingly effortless and confidence.

Hey pallies, today's post is 'nother great example of how intentionally  international Dino-passion truly truly is.  Today ilovedinomartin lands at the  Espanol  pad "GRANDES AMORES, GRANDES PASIONES" (translates LOVES BIG, BIG PASSIONS), where Miss Maria Jose Acuna Belaustegui scribed her Dino-focused post, "DEAN MARTIN AND CATHERIN HAWN.

It oughta come as no surprise that a blog tagged "Love Big, Big Passions" woulda be puttin' the accent on our most beloved Dino 'cause likes dudes who loves more then our Dino and likes who has bigger passion then our King of one....absolutely no one!!!  So, likes it's great as we continue our journey to this year's celebration of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, that we stop by Miss Belaustergui's blog for some cool cool Dino-action.

While the title of the post is "Dean Martin And Catherin Hawn," the Dino-prose includes references to all three of our Dino's marriages and his children.  And, there are some great Dino-details that Miss Maria shares 'bout our great man's life and times.  And, likes how grand to have more and more folks 'round the world puttin' their readership onto the Dino-journey of cool.

ilovedinomartin thanks Miss Maria Jose Acuna Belaustegui for great bloggin' 'bout our great great man.
To checks this out in it's original format, 'gain simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Dino-only-focused, DMP


Dean Martin was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian .
One of the most popular American artists and lasting half of the 20th century, Martin was nicknamed the "King of cool" by his charisma, seemingly effortless and confidence. Was a member of the " Rat Pack "and a star on the stage / concert night , recordings, films and television. He was hosting the TV variety show The Dean Martin Show (1965-1974), and later The Dean Martin Roasts Celebrity (1974-1985).

Martin was married three times. After the divorce from his first wife, Anne Elizabeth "Betty" McDonald, Martin gained custody of their children, Betty lived her life in quiet obscurity in San Francisco. Their children were Stephen Craig Martin (born 1942), Claudia Dean Martin (born March 16, 1944 2,001 died of breast cancer ), Barbara Gail Martin (born 1945) and Deana Martin (born 1948).
Martin's second wife was Jeanne Biegger. Jeanne was sometimes in Martin's audience while he was still married to Betty. Their marriage lasted 24 years (1949-1973) and produced three children: Dean Paul (November 17, 1951 hasta March 21, 1987, plane crash), Ricci James (born 1953) and Gina Caroline (born 1956), whose marriage Martin became the father-in-law of The Beach Boys ' Carl Wilson .
Martin's third marriage was to Catherine Hawn, lasted three years, Martin began the process of divorce. One of the managers saw Martin at the front desk of a hair salon on Rodeo Drive , then arranged a meeting. Martin adopted Hawn's daughter Sasha . Martin's uncle was Leonard Barr , who appeared in several of his shows.

Martin returned to films briefly with appearances in the two star criticized loaded yet Cannonball Run movies. He also had a minor hit single with " Since I Met You Baby "and made ​​his first music video, which appeared on MTV . The video was created by Martin's youngest son, Ricci.El December 1, 1983 while gambling at the Golden Nugget Casino in Atlantic City, Martin and Sinatra intimidated the dealer and several employees into breaking New Jersey law by making business with the dealer of the cards by hand instead of a shoe . Although Sinatra and Martin were involved, neither was fined by the Casino Control Commission New Jersey. The Golden Nugget received a $ 25,000 fine (which Sinatra paid, stating that it was his responsibility as he and Martin were the cause) and four employees including the dealer, a supervisor and pit boss were suspended without pay.

The March 21, 1987, son of Martin, the actor Dean Paul Martin (formerly Dino of the '60s " teeny-bopper "rock group Dino, Desi & Billy ), was killed when his F-4 Phantom II aircraft fighter crashed while flying with the California Air National Guard . A tour with Davis and Sinatra in 1988 spat. Martin, who responded best to a club audience, felt lost in the huge stadiums they were performing at Sinatra's insistence, and he was not interested in drinking until dawn after performances. Their last concerts were Vegas at Bally's Hotel in 1990. There he had his final reunion with Jerry Lewis on his 72nd birthday. Last two TV appearances involved tributes to Martin former Rat Pack members. On December 8, 1989, he joined stars in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Sammy Davis Jr., which aired a few weeks before Davis died from throat cancer. In December 1990, he congratulated Frank Sinatra on his 75th birthday special.
Martin was diagnosed with lung cancer at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in September 1993, and in early 1995 he retired from public life. He died of acute respiratory failure resulting from emphysema at his home in Beverly Hills on December 25, 1995, at age 78. The lights of the Las Vegas Strip were dimmed in his honor. His gravestone has the epitaph "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime", the name of his signature song.
Martin is buried at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles.


Dean Martin  fue un cantante, film actor, televisión estrella y comediante .
Uno de los artistas americanos más populares y duraderas de la mitad del siglo 20, Martin fue apodado el "Rey de frío" por su carisma, aparentemente sin esfuerzo y confianza en sí mismo. Fue miembro del " Rat Pack "y una estrella en la etapa / de conciertos nocturnos , grabaciones, películas y televisión. Él era el anfitrión del programa de variedades de televisión The Dean Martin Show (1965-1974), y posteriormente Las Dean Martin asa Celebrity (1974-1985).

Martin se casó tres veces. Tras el divorcio de su primera esposa, Anne Elizabeth "Betty" McDonald, Martin ganó la custodia de sus hijos, Betty vivió su vida en la oscuridad tranquila en San Francisco. Sus hijos fueron Stephen Craig Martin (nacido en 1942), Claudia Dean Martin (nacido el 16 de marzo de 1944 murieron 2.001 de cáncer de mama ), Barbara Gail Martin (nacido en 1945) y Deana Martin (nacido en 1948).
La segunda esposa de Martin fue Jeanne Biegger. Jeanne estaba a veces en la audiencia de Martin mientras él aún estaba casado con Betty. Su matrimonio duró 24 años (1949-1973) y produjo tres hijos: Dean Paul (17 noviembre 1951 hasta 21 marzo 1987, accidente de avión), Ricci James (nacido en 1953) y Gina Caroline (nacido en 1956), cuyo matrimonio se hizo Martin el padre-en-ley de The Beach Boys ' Carl Wilson .
El tercer matrimonio de Martín fue con Catherine Hawn, duró tres años, Martin inició el proceso de divorcio. Uno de los administradores de Martin la vio en la recepción de un salón de belleza en Rodeo Drive , a continuación, organizó una reunión. Martin adoptó la hija de Hawn Sasha . El tío de Martin era Leonard Barr , quien apareció en varios de sus shows.

Martin volvió a las películas brevemente con apariciones en las dos estrellas cargado todavía criticada Los locos del Cannonball películas. Él también tenía un solo golpe de menor importancia con " Since I Met You Baby "e hizo su primer video musical, que apareció enMTV . El video fue creado por el hijo menor de Martin, Ricci.El 01 de diciembre 1983, mientras que los juegos de azar en el Golden Nugget Casino en Atlantic City, Martin y Sinatra intimida el distribuidor y varios empleados en romper New Jersey ley al hacer negocio con el distribuidor de las tarjetas a mano en vez de la de unzapato . Aunque Sinatra y Martin estuvieron implicados, ni fue multado por la Comisión de Control de Casinos de Nueva Jersey. El Golden Nugget recibió una multa de $ 25.000 (que Sinatra pagó, afirmando que era su responsabilidad como él y Martin fueron la causa) y cuatro empleados, incluido el distribuidor, un supervisor y jefe de sala fueron suspendidos sin goce de sueldo.

El 21 de marzo de 1987, el hijo de Martin, el actor Dean Paul Martin (ex Dino de los años 60 " pequeñito-Bopper "grupo de rock Dino, Desi y Billy ), murió cuando su F-4 Phantom II, avión de combate se estrelló durante el vuelo con el California Guardia Nacional Aérea .Una gira con Davis y Sinatra en 1988 escupió. Martin, que respondió mejor a una audiencia club, se sintió perdido en grandes estadios que estaban realizando en la insistencia de Sinatra, y él no estaba interesado en beber hasta el amanecer después de las actuaciones. Sus últimos conciertos fueron Vegas en el Hotel Bally en 1990. Allí tuvo su reencuentro final con Jerry Lewis en su 72 cumpleaños. Últimas dos apariciones en televisión de Martin involucrados homenajes a sus antiguos Rat Pack miembros. El 8 de diciembre de 1989, se unió a estrellas en la celebración del 60 º aniversario de Sammy Davis Jr, que salió al aire un par de semanas antes de que Davis murió de cáncer de garganta. En diciembre de 1990, felicitó a Frank Sinatra en su 75 cumpleaños especial.
Martin fue diagnosticado con cáncer de pulmón en el hospital Cedars Sinai Medical Center en septiembre de 1993, ya principios de 1995 se retiró de la vida pública. Murió de insuficiencia respiratoria aguda resultante de enfisema en su casa de Beverly Hills el 25 de diciembre de 1995, a los 78 años.  Las luces del Strip de Las Vegas se apagaron en su honor. Su lápida presenta el epitafio "Everybody Loves Somebody algún momento", el nombre de su canción de la firma.
Martin está enterrado en el Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery en Los Angeles.

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