Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Hey pallies, likes one of the coolest of cool thin's 'bout this year's celebration of the Day That Coolness Came To Earth is that likes some very lucky pallies Philly way will be able to celebrate this Dino-day of Dino-days by plantin' themselves in seats at  the historic Walnut Street Theatre to view Mr. Nat Chandler as our beloved Dino in the world premiere production of "DINO:  An Evening With Dean Martin At The Latin
Casino.  ilovedinomartin has shared a ton of info on this Dino-honorin' production whose run has been extended through the end of June at the Walnut.

Likes today ilovedinomartin is delighted to be able to share with you a radio interview between Mr. Nate Chandler and Philly's Rep Radio interviewer Mr. Darnelle Radford.  Rep Radio describes itself a as "Philadelphia-based podcast network whose goal is to fill the void left by the media!  We support, promote, engage and inspire the arts community by turning on the ghost light that shines on the stages of the up and coming, the unsung heroes, the brilliant writers and the heart of the 'bug' that bit us!"

Gotta 'fess up that I have not be able to listen to the entire interview yet, but the major portion I did was filled with delightful patter between professional actor Chandler and 30ish interviewer Radford.  Chandler shares 'but 'bout how he comes to playin' our great man....and this is not the first time Nat has taken on the Dino-persona.  Chandler also shares his memories of growin' up with our Dino via television, recordin's and big screen efforts...and a bit of his perspective on the life and times of our King of Cool.

To listen to the interview, simply click on the player at the end of this patter.  Likes how I yearns to be fillin' a seat at Philly's Walnut Theatre on Friday, June 7 to honor our great man by soakin' in this wondrous production...but sadly that is not possible, but likes do encourage any Dino-holic 'round Philly to grab the tremendous op to see this thrillin' trib to the coolest dude that ever walked our planet.

 ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Darnelle Radford and the pallies at Rep Radio for puttin' more pallies on to this Dino-production via their lively interview with Mr. Nate Chandler.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.   Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP

On today’s podcast, we meet with “The KING OF COOL!” Dean Martin, portrayed by Nat Chandler! Find out what it takes to be this cool! I had a great time with this episode and I hope you do too! DINO has been extended!! STAY TUNED!!
Nat Chandler as "THE KING OF COOL!"
Nat Chandler as “THE KING OF COOL!”
We begin 1978 with tickets to Dean Martin at the Latin Casino! When a severe blizzard blankets the East Coast, Dino’s band gets stuck out of town. Rather than disappoint his fans, Dean Martin brings us an intimate evening filled with personal stories and classic songs including, “Ain’t That A Kick In The Head,” “Everybody Loves Somebody,” “That’s Amore” and more. For a short while, the man behind the legend reveals the humor, warmth and casual cool that marked his rise from his Italian-only speaking immigrant childhood to become one of the biggest legends in entertainment.
Extended through June 30!

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