Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob

Hey pallies, likes gotta say dudes that likes I have been likes totally totally thrilled by the fantasticly fabulous 'mount of international homagin' of our most beloved Dino on the 96th anniversary of his comin' to life with us on planet earth.  And, likes today's Dino-gem of Dino-adulation comes from South America, Chile to be precise, in the form a radio station tagged "Radio Imagina" who has shared the delightful Dino-trib, "Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob."

Beginnin' with a vid clip of our great man singin' his greatest of great signature croons, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" taken from that live recordin' of our Dino playin' London's Apollo Theatre in 1983, the folks at "Radio Imagina" include a few brief bits of Dino-info to give their readership a taste of the life and times of our King of Cool.

Likes ain't it the coolest pallies to know that the entire known world loves our most beloved Dino and that simply doin' a bit of Dino-searchin' brings amazin' results of Dino-passion from all parts of the globe!  ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at Chile's "Radio Imagina" for homagin' our Dino and spreadin' words of Dino-cool to their readership.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  Only Devoted To Dino, DMP

Dean Martin, the eternal Hollywood heartthrob
The comedian, actor and singer Dean Martin's birthday this June 7.
The son of a housewife and a popular barber in Ohio, from very small showed interest in music, and was a teenager when he started playing drums in the school where he studied, but later had to move to another school campus, and his English mixed with Italian was of ridicule among their peers.
He worked as an assistant at a gas station and tried as a boxer, fighting under the name of Kid Crocetti.
In 1949, Dean Martin with Jerry Lewis already had some fame, and in seven years rolled 18 films together.
The ego broke their successful partnership. They turned to talk through the intervention of Frank Sinatra.
Part of legendary Rat Pack, a group of friends and undisputed talent Intregrated by Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Peter Lawford who seduced on stage and off.
He died, aged 78, on Christmas Day 1995 in Beverly Hills, California as a result of emphysema which produced its advanced lung cancer

Dean Martin, el eterno galán de Hollywood

jun 07, 2013

El cómico, actor y cantante estadounidense Dean Martin está de cumpleaños este 7 de junio.

Hijo de una ama de casa y un popular barbero de Ohio, desde muy pequeño mostró interés por la música, y fue en plena adolescencia cuando empezó a tocar la batería en la escuela donde estudiaba, aunque más tarde tuvo que trasladarse a otro recinto estudiantil, ya su ingles mezclado con el italiano era motivo de burlas entre sus compañeros.

Trabajó como ayudante en una gasolinera y probó como boxeador, peleando bajo el seudónimo de Kid Crocetti.

En 1949, Dean Martin junto a Jerry Lewis ya tenían cierta fama, y en siete años rodaron 18 películas juntos.

El ego rompió su exitosa sociedad.  Se volvieron a hablar gracias a la intervención de Frank Sinatra.

Parte de mítico Rat Pack, grupo de amigos y de talento indiscutido intregrado por Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Junior y Peter Lawford que seducían en el escenario y fuera de él.

Murió, con 78 años, el día de navidad de 1995 en Beverly Hills, California como consecuencia de un enfisema que le produjo su avanzado cáncer de pulmón


  1. The King of Cool and The Eternal Heart -- perfect monikers for our Dino!

  2. BTW, I love the sound of the Spanish phrase el eterno galán! Has a musical ring to it and would have sounded great if the phrase had uttered by our Dino with his West Virginia Italian accent.

  3. Hey pallie, likes cool that Dino-philes likes us are thinkin' 'long he same Dino-lines. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
