Sunday, June 23, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Manana (Is Good Enough For Me)"


Hey pallies....WELCOME TO SUMMER!!! Man O man...can't believe we FINALLY made it to that HOT & SWINGIN' time of year!!! This is DEF I NATE LY A great great time to get some STEAMY & SULTRY type jams a'jammin'!!! Let's start it off with a BANG & throw on some "Dino Latino"! WHAT BETTER WAY TO GET THINS' ROLLIN'?!!!
Now, I could actually pick just 'bout ANY one of these Summer-type numbers to begin this HOT HOT season...BUT...I wants' just the right one to REALLY get the Summer-vibe flowin'!...let me see now...hmmm...GOT IT!!! I'm thinkin' "Manana (Is Good Enough For Me)" should do the trick!
 Let's picture ourselves havin' a drink with Dean...dancin' in the sand...& cool cool music playin'! Ahhh...Summertime. Let's soak it up pals...Enjoy!



The faucet it is dripping and the fence is falling down
My pocket needs some money so I can't go in to town
My brother he ain't working and my sister doesn't care
The car it needs a motor so I can't go anywhere
Manana is soon enough for me
Once I had some money but I gave it to a friend
He said he'd pay me double he was only for a lend
But he said a little later that the horse it was so slow
Why he gave the horse my money is something I don't know
Manana is good enough for me
My brother took his suitcase and he went away to school
My father said he only learned to be a silly fool
My father said that I should learn to make a chili pot
But then I burned the house down the chili was too hot
Manana is soon enough for me
The window it is busted and the rain is coming in
If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin
But if we wait a day or two the rain may go away
And we don't need a window on such a lovely day
Manana manana is soon enough for me
Manana manana is soon enough for me


  1. Such a happy song! You can hear our Dino smiling as he sings this one.

    We could use more happiness in this world.

    PS: A good one to samba to -- especially if one has legs a bit old. Hahaha.

  2. You Are so so right Ms. AOW! We def could use more happiness in the world...and I can't thinks of ANYONE who brings more happiness then our Dino!
