Monday, May 13, 2013

Is YouTubing Dean Martin A Step Too Far?

Hey pallies,  likes what a blast it is dudes to type our most beloved Dino's name into the google blog search and see what great Dino-patter will turn up.  Case in point, I typed Dean Martin into the blog seach engine and one of the great places I landed was at the self-tagged blog, "jennie orbell."  Miss Jennie is an "author of comtemporary fiction" and a blogger of stuff and nonsense."

The evocative tag of her April 27th entry, "Is YouTubing Dean Martin A Step Too Far?" really got my Dino-attention and likes I simply had to clicks on the post to see Miss Orbell's answer.  As you read her scribin's below, you will see that she had "great delight" in hearin; our great man croon his great tune, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" as well as "a rather funny clip where Dean and The Dude sang a duo."

So, 'though Jennie never answered her own quire, I gotta believe that she indeed now knows for Dino-certain that one can never ever gets 'nough of our most beloved Dino, and thus youtubin' our Dino could never ever be "a step to far."   I have shared simply the beginnin' part of her entry which places the accent on our Dino....likes if you wanna reads the whole post, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

And, for your viewin' Dino-pleasure, below are vid clips of our Dino croonin' "Everybody" as well as our Dino and The Dude croonin' the same Dino-tune....likes perhaps the two very clips that Miss Orbell enjoyed so very very Dino-much.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Is YouTubing Dean Martin A Step Too Far?

G’day All
I’ve just had to have a blast of Bobby. Can’t get the blooming tune out of my head. But then, all things considered, it is better than It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas! 
I think I may have to ban myself from YouTube. After the Hello Summertime andHoney bit I got rather silly, even by my standards, and listened to, with great delight I might add, Dean Martin singing Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime and a rather funny clip where Dean and The Duke, big John Wayne, sang a duo. I DO worry about myself sometimes but then I hold very strongly with the theory of why worry about something you can’t do anything about?

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