Sunday, May 12, 2013

Danny G's Mother's Day Serenade with Dino: "Any Man Who Loves His Mother"

Welcome back Ol' pals o' mine! Let me begin with a great big, "Happy Mama's Day!", to ALL the lovely mamsellies out there! This is truly YOUR day & I'm hopin' that wherever youse are & whatever youse do..youse keep our great great mother's son, Dino, in mind!
Now we ALL know that Dean truly truly loved his Mama Crocetti & I simply cannot thinks of a better example of deep, true & pure love one could show for their mom, than this cool cool & funny clip from Dean & the boys' " Robin & the Seven Hoods"!
Today's Serenade, "Any Man Who Loves His Mother" is dedicated to each & every chickalina out there who's been a Mom, in ANY way, to SOMEONE or SOMETHIN' special in their lives...YES...pets count too! Hahaha! Enjoy!

  • Any man who loves his mother
  • Is man enough for me
  • Brightening her eyes, sending her flowers
  • Though it's no anniversary
  • Many men want fame and fortune
  • It's gold they love to see
  • But I say a man who loves his mother
  • Is man enough for me
  • Many men loves dogs and kittens and pet them constantly
  • Show me a man who loves his mother
  • As much as she wants to be
  • And I'll show you a man who's a lot like me


    1. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o what a likes totally totally appro Dino-croon on behalf of all mothers who loves our great man. Keeps the serenadin' goin', and of course, likes by all means, keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
