Sunday, May 19, 2013

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Love Thy Neighbor"

Hey pallies...Wake up & smell the roses!!! Spring is here & Dino is SWINGIN' & SINGIN' for us ALL!!! He NEVER let's me down & ALWAYS sends a happy song my way!

This fun fun jam just fell in my lap from our pals at Google alerts, and I gotta admits the Dino-truth pallies...I am TOTALLY & COMPLETELY sold on the Dino-message here!!! Today's Serenade, "Love Thy Neighbor" TRULY is 'bout "spreadin' the love"! Hahaha!!!

Now even though this funny, fresh & catchy little tune is from way back in 1978, on Dean's "Once In A While" al b um, I STRONGLY believe that the thought behind it still stands true today!!! Hahaha!!! Now Dino's got ME bein' a tiny bit fresh! O well pals...just doin' my part with the LOVE spreadin'! ;) Enjoy!  


  1. OT, sorry. I just wanted to let everyone know that "The Silencers" and "Murderers' Row" will be shown on Monday, 5/20, in the evening on TCM.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss Carol, thanks ever so much for the heads up...always wonderful when a Dino-flick is bein' shared with the masses....likes you just never ever know who might catch Dino-fever from seein' our great man as spyster Matt Helm. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-0, likes I got that same google Dino-'lert and thoughts 'bout askin' you to consider doin' a Dino-serenade 'bout it....pure, pure Dino-magic. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Great Dino-minds DEF think alike i guess! hahaha! BTW... Gots my dvr recordin' the Matt Helm flicks as I type! Thanks for sharin' Ms. CarolMR ;)

  5. You're very welcome, Danny G! I think "The Silencers" is the best of the bunch! I wish TCM had shown all four in a row!
