Saturday, May 18, 2013

Adventures of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis #31-40

Hey pallies, likes this it is dudes, the fourth and final installment of Dino-nostalgia from the pallies at the "Comic Vine."  Today ilovedinomartin shares with you the covers for issues 31-40 of "The Adventures of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis" from DC Comics.  Truly truly how cool was it of the folks at DC to capitalize on the fame and fortune of our most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis by creatin' their own series of comic book "adventures."

Likes as I said in part 1, I certainly woulda be in total total Dino-heaven if likes I can ever gets my hands on the full set of these volumes....or even part of 'em.  Just lookin' at the covers makes ya wanna  go on these adventurous trips with our Dino and Jer.  Likes how great woulda it have been to be a kid growin' up in these days groovin' on the mishaps of Martin and Lewis.

I'm sure pallies that many many devotees of our Dino started their Dino-adulation by spendin' a thin dime to hang out with our great great man.  How great woulda it be if DC would re-issue this series for today's youngens as well!

'gain, ilovedinomartin salutes the pallies at the "Comic Vine" for there efforts to get a full set of covers with release dates posted at this fantastic site.  To checks this out in it's original pad, simply clicks on on tag of this Dino-prose.   Hopin' all you  Dino-philes have enjoyed trippin' back to this Dino-era much as I have!  Dino-forever, DMP

The Adventures of Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis ("and" on the cover, "&" in the indicia") was a humor comic published by DC from 1952-1957, spanning forty issues, featuring the real-life comedy duo of Martin and Lewis. Martin being the "straight man" and Lewis the "comedic foil", following the group's actual break-up, the series dropped Dean Martin and continued the comedic escapades of Jerry Lewis as The Adventures of Jerry Lewis which ran for another eighty-four more issues.


  1. Wow!

    I had no idea that this genre of Dino adoration even existed.

    Great find, DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thrilled to know that ilovedinomartin coulda adds to your Dino-knowledge! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. DMP,
    Your web site has taught me that there is ever more to learn about our Dino. And that fact makes me a happier person!

  4. Hey pallie, likes we does try to be as Dino-edifyin' as possible...and as you note, ilovedinomartin never ever runs out of unique Dino-treasure to share. Truly our Dino lays such such happiness on all his devoted pallies!
    Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
