Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Dean Martin is, hands down, my favorite entertainer....

Hey pallies, likes today we return 'gain to a fabulous blog that's tag is deeply, purely, and truly inspired by our most beloved Dino.  The blog is tagged "Hey Pally's 78 rpm Page....& Other Musical Notes."  Mr. "Hey Pally" has reposted a wonderfully Dino-historic post 'bout some very very early Dino-recordin's on The Embassy label that he was likes most most anxious to have 'mong his Dino-treasures.    ilovedinomartin is proud to say that we featured this same very post when it originally occured at "Hey Pally" a couple of years ago.

But, likes this outstandin' post now has our Dino-addicted pallie sharin' the rest of this wondrous  Dino-story.  When last posted Mr. Hey Pally was still hopin' without hope of acquirin' the ellusive early Dino-disc, and likes now he shares the joyous  Dino-tale  'bout his amazin' acquistion of the very very rare Dino-disc of  our most beloved Dino croonin'  "One Foot In Heaven and The Night Is Young And You're So Beautiful for Embassy Records."

Kudos to our Dino-holic pallie, for showin' such Dino-patience and Dino-perserverance in his searchin' and seekin' this rarest of rare Dino-treasure.  ilovedinomartin salutes our pallie "Hey Pally" for settin' such a fine example for all us Dino-holics to emulate....likes may we all be as faithful to our devotion to our Dino as Hey Pally is!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.  Dino-awed, DMP

Dean Martin - Embassy 124 (1947)

Below is a repost from 2 years ago:

Dean Martin is, hands down, my favorite entertainer (as evidenced by the name of this blog). My late Italian Grandmother would play his albums constantly on her wall length Sears console stereo. She had the scratchy vinyls stacked on the automatic changer spindle as high as it could possibly go. Every once in a while she would have to get up and nudge the needle that had became stuck in an endless skip. (I would later give her cd's of every Martin track, but as grateful as she was, she still spun the wax.)

Unfortunately, I did not come around to Dino's music until he passed away. Even though it was Christmas day, Grandma was not in a joyous mood. While one of his cd's was playing in the background, a song that I had heard countless times before, finally resonated with me...Innamorata. I saw how it brought tears to my Grandma's eyes.

Since I was just starting to collect 78's at this time, I thought it would be fun to also round up some of Dino's tracks. Purple Capitols were able to be found in abundance everywhere I looked. Even grabbed a few on eBay for next to nothing.

Then I discovered that he had recorded 10 sides...5 discs...before he embarked on his massive Capitol output. In the 16 years that I have been collecting Martin 78's, I have all but one of these five. It hasn't been the case of being outbid at the last second or finding it in an antique store, only to be cracked or unplayable...it's that I have never come across one...online or in person...for sale, on display, mentioned or otherwise.

In late November of 1947, Dean Martin recorded One Foot In Heaven and The Night Is Young And You're So Beautiful for Embassy Records just before a recording ban went into effect on January 1, 1948.

Of course this is probably the most coveted Dean Martin 78 out there...but I'm starting to wonder...are there any even out there...other than the pics found in a book included with the box set of cd's I have? (see below)

I have had this record as an eBay saved search for almost 15 years now and never once had a hit...which only added to the mystique. I also saw the following exchange on The Dean Martin Fan Center's Bulletin Board which only dimmed my hopes of ever finding the record even further:

[Dear DMFC: I wanted to reply to the person who asked if anyone has a copy of Dean's 78 recording on the Embassy Record label. The answer is "Yes".

We (Record Review & Prices) did a story of the most valuable record discs of all time, and Dean's Embassy recording of "One Foot in Heaven" was included in the top 100.

We believe that there are only three (3) copies in existence today. Two of them are in the possession of your Fan Center's president, Neil Daniels (which one of them was displayed in the Bear Family set he produced), along with another copy we knew changed hands over 25 years ago, but have lost track of who has it today in their possession. If anyone turns up another copy, they would have a Goldmine on their hands.]

But...just last week, there it was in my inbox. I had to read and re-read the listing many times over. For five days, I couldn't think about anything else. I left the window open on my computer just to remind me every time I sat down at my desk. After a very anxious auction process, the record became mine. The only thing left was the ride in the US Mail without being broken.

Now...I can finally say without a doubt that the record does indeed exist after having arrived in the mail safely today. This is my personal Zulu's Ball or Original Stack O' Lee Blues.

I just wish my Grandmother was here to see it...although I have a feeling she already has.


  1. Thanks for posting my story here!

    Christopher "HeyPally"

  2. Hey pallie, likes Christopher, very very happy to share your Dino-happiness with the larger Dino-world. Likes hopes you will feature more Dino-devotiion at your cool blog. Keeps lovin our Dino!

  3. Awesome tale of Dino-determination!

  4. Hey pallie, likes you gots it Danny-o....our pallie Christopher is a super example of what it means to be truly truly Dino-determined! Keeps patterin' dude, and by all means, keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
