Thursday, March 07, 2013

Ricci Martin heads to 'Vegas for "An Evening Of Dean Martin"

Hey pallies, likes word has reached ilovedinomartin that our most beloved Dino's youngest boypallie Ricci is headed to our great man's great playground....'Vegas-Baby- 'Vegas! for a very very limited run of his fab Dino-trib, "An Evening of Dean Martin."   At  the  Suncoast Casino Showroom on March 16-17,   Ricci will be croonin' some of his daddy-o's most famous tunes, as well as takin' quires from the audience 'bout livin' as a prodigy of the King of Cool.

And, likes I am sure that Ricci will be showcasin' our Dino's one and only swank MTV vid of "Since I Met You, Baby" that Ricci directed back in the year of our Dino 1983.

To grab a snapshot of Ricci's amazin' homagin' of his amazin' daddy-o, checks out this youtube vid....

And, likes dudes, here is a fav pix of Ricci shot at the time of his promotin'  his delightful Dino-bio, "That's Amore." Likes hopes all youse Dino-holics out 'Vegas way will make you way straight to the Suncoast Casino Showroom on March 16 and 17 to catch Ricci's homagin' of our main man.   Likes if you clicks on the tag of this hear Dino-message, it will takes you to the Suncoast Casino Showroom and the page that describes Ricci's Dino-programme. Dino-forever, DMP



  1. Ricci does have some of his father's physical features. But the voice? Not our Dino's velvety croon.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, alas that is the Dino-truth, but someday I does hope to catch Ricci's Dino-trib...'specially for his Dino Q&A, and to see "Since I Met You, Baby" on a big screen. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
