Wednesday, March 06, 2013

More on..... Booze, Bullets & Broads: The Story of Matt Helm, Superspy of the Mad Men Era

Hey pallies, likes just had to follow up yester-Dino-day's cool post 'bout the new Dino-literature, " Booze, Bullets & Broads: The Story of Matt Helm, Superspy of the Mad Men Era," with a wee bit more information from the pallies at Amazon.  The Helmer prose has been scribed by a Mr. Bruce Scivally whose bio states "  is a film historian, professor and writer who teaches film classes at the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago and Columbia College when not working on film history books. His latest book, "Billion Dollar Batman," traces the history of the Dark Knight in radio, serials, TV and movies."

The very very cool book cover is shared below, and likes if you clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram you will goes to the Amazon page where you can soak in all the delightful details 'bout this must-have Dino-read, as well as read a fairly lengthy portion of Scivally's reflections.  So, likes nows I'm probably gonna have to get with 21st century technology and gets my self an E-book reader.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


  1. Hey pallie,

    just wanted to let you know that there is a Kindle app that you can download for your PC over there on Amazon, just in case you're not ready to invest in an e-reader yet.

    All the best,


    download mp3 free

  2. Hey pallie, likes Micahel dude, thanks ever so much for that that they are technophile Dinophiles out there likes youse to help pallies likes me gets my Dino-fix. Thanks for showin' such true Dino-palliedom my Dino-holic pallie! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
