Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I wish to end it to give a special thanks to the "ilovedinomartin" blog for sharing my love for the show on his site.

Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin is always always thrilled to receive a shout out from 'nother pallie on the web.....it's so so refreshin' to receive a nod of approval from 'nother Dino-devotee, but on this very Dino-day, we here at our humble little Dino-home are -specially pleased to share with all youse Dino-philes a nod of Dino-approval from our pallie Mr. Tyler Michael over at his self tagged blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL."

Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin will know that for 'bout the past two months we have been runnin' a couple of dozen Dino-grams scribed by Deanager Ty on his two series of "Bests" from Volume 1 of the Dino-show and the Dino-roast of Mr. Bob Hope.  Likes we have been thrilled to do our part to encourage our dude Ty in his pursuit of deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino.

And, likes now, we are ever more thrilled to have received this "special thanks" honor from Ty at his blog.
ilovedinomartin is truly humbled and honored by your kindest of kind Dino-remarks Ty and delighted that we could be on Dino-support in helpin' the wider Dino-world know of your passion for our most beloved Dino.  Deanager Ty, thanks ever so much for honorin' our little Dino-efforts on your behalf.  To checks this out in it's original format, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Dino-honorin', DMP


Well that's it for this year of Dean Martin lists however I wish to end it to give a special thanks to the "ilovedinomartin" blog for sharing my love for the show on his site. I am very honored and grateful to be recognized for my talent and love and yes I'll prepare another list of Moments from the show and Roasts for next year. Thanks for your support and help because it's people like you who inspire me to go on.

Here's the link to their site


Tune in soon for another Top Favorite List!

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