Monday, December 17, 2012

Send Some Seasonal Dino-ecards....

Hey pallies, likes Dino-winter-month quickly moveth onward, but there's still time folks to send some Dino-seasonal greetin's via the good ol' 'net. From the dudes at the ecard pad, "someecards" comes a quick and easy way to spread some Dino-cheer to all the Dino-philes on your list.

Likes I tested the process of scribin' and sendin' the Dino-ecard by sendin' one to myself, and it went as smooth as one of our Dino's liquid libations. So, likes if you clicks on tag of this here Dino-gram and goes to the Dino-page of "someecards" you'll find in no time at all that your Dino-well-wishes will reach your pallies near and far.

ilovedinomartin sends a shout out to the pallies at "someecards" for makin' this Dino-winter-wishes op available to Dino-devotees everywhere. Below is the graphic for the Dino-ecard with which you will be able to add your personal Dino-reflections. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP


  1. Hey pallie! Keep the Card! Send me Dino's "Helper" instead! I'll pay the postage! LOL!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Matty-o...ya sounds just likes our the card is likes free, I ain't sure how much our Dino's helper woulda sets me back... Keeps lovin' our Dino!
