Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Send a Dean Martin Holiday Snow Globe to Your Family and Friends!

Hey pallies, likes thanks to our pallies over at google 'lerts discovered that the dudes at likes the official Dino-site are truly in the Dino-spirit of Dino-winter-month and are 'gain for the second year offerin' the op for all Dino-holics to send their Dino-devoted pallies and fam a very cool multi-media Dino-greetin'.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram and goes to the special "Dean Martin Holiday Snow Globe" page and follow the easy Dino-directions you will have a Dino-epistle off to a pallie likes in no Dino-time. First they as you to pick a fav Dino-pose for inside the Snow Globe (this pix oughta be quite we, 'cause the one I uploads was to big to see the whole thin' in the globe.

Second, you will add your own personal Dino-message, and then gives your email address and that of the dude you wants to be Dino-seasoned. And, likes before you know it, your pallie will recieve a very cool Dino-globe with your special Dino-thoughts attached, as well as the op to hear our great man sing "I'll Be Home For Christmas" as a virtual duet with Miss Scarlett Johansson.

I tried it out myself by sendin' myself the Dino-globe...and it took likes over a very few moments before it arrived at my email box...but it went into the spam pad, so you might wanna lets the pallies you send the Dino-greetin' to, know that it my appear as spam. ilovedinomartin sends out our great great Dino-appreciato to the folks at the official Dean Martin web pad for helpin' dudes likes you and I to freely spread some Dino-cheer! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-thrilled, DMP

Send a Dean Martin Holiday Snow Globe to Your Family and Friends!


  1. What a great idea!

    DMP, you find the coolest Dino stuff!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks very much Miss AOW, and in this case, we thanks the pallies at google 'lerts 'cause thats who pointed moi in the right Dino-direction... Keeps lovin' our Dino!
