Friday, December 28, 2012

Dean Martin Vector Image In Black and White

Hey pallies, likes ilovedinomartin loves to find and share homagin' of our most beloved Dino in new and excitin' ways. Case in point is today's Dino-devotion that comes from the blog, "Jaime's Art Work." As you look below you will see that this artiste dude Jaime has created a way cool image of our Dino usin' vector images......likes ain't it amazi

n' what a talented young man can create with the help of 'puter graphics. ilovedinomartin thanks Jaime for honorin' and homagin' our great man in this great way...and for sharin' it with his blog followers...just 'nother way of bringin' more of today's youth into the Dino-fold. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-centered, DMP

Dean Martin Vector Image In Black and White

Dean Martin was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian. One of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th Century, Martin was nicknamed the “King of Cool” Found this post right here, to see more pics just click the link below.

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