Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dean Martin died at the age of 78.

Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that there seems to have been a dearth of 'net posts rememberin' the passin' of our Dino...coulda be that I simply have not searched far and wide 'nough to find 'em. Anywho, here is a little post from the blog "The Voice of Reason" that reverently remembers our Dino's departure.

It's very very simple....a classic pix, a few briefs Dino-facts, and a vid clip of our most beloved Dino singin' "The Christmas Blues." Likes how appro to have this blogger pix that particular Dino-winter-croon 'cause indeed all of us who name the name of Dino are certainly blue as we remember his passin' from our presence.

ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the folks at "The Voice Of Reason" for rememberin' our Dino's death and sharin' it with their readership. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin died at the age of 78.

Central member of the Hollywood “Rat Pack”, original comedy partner of Jerry Lewis, host of the TV variety show “The Dean Martin Show”, star of the Matt Helm movies, including “The Silencer”, also known for his singing, “That’s Amore!”


  1. there seems to have been a dearth of 'net posts rememberin' the passin' of our Dino

    Now that our Dino has been gone for so many years, a lot of folks will likely not post tributes except on the 5's: 15, 20, 25, etc.

    I must say, however, that I hear out Dino's singing voice all the time: coming over the store speakers, in the shopping malls, in movies, in TV commercials, etc. Our Dino really has become a part of our culture.

    Plus, we do have a lot of folks out of work and off the web -- and folks all caught up in politics.

    So, don't be worried that we didn't see much mention of our Dino on December 25, 2012.

  2. You might want to take a look at Deana Martin's web site. I haven't recently heard anything about a movie being made from Deanna Martin's book Memories Are Made of This. Maybe somebody frequenting this web site knows something about the film?

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks ever so much for showin' such true Dino-palliedom with those kind remarks. I'm in total agreement with you...I always gets the biggest Dino-buddhagrin when I hear a Dino-winter-tune comin' out of the speakers 'specially durin' this special Dino-season. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes honestly Miss AOW, that is one site that I do not frequent. There were several bits of publicity 'bout the film durin' the past year that got posted here at ilovedinomartin, but none of late. I'm still so so hopin' some how, some way, that Nick Tosches' epic Dino-bio will be the one to make it to the my book, it is THE Dino-version that the viewin' public oughta be able to see. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Dino, I am Deana Martin's son, and I know exactly what is happening with her movie, as "Always On Watch" asks...Because I am her son, Dean's grandson. Once again, I am asking you please remove the post with my name in the title. It is the first thing that comes up in a google search for me. I dont want to be named on your blog. Can you please remove that post, or at least remove my post to you from house of guerin asking for the apology. I was forgiving and forgetting, but with my name plastered on your blog there is no way to "forget...", Please remove the post. 9/3/11 and 9/4/11. Can you please do this for me.

  6. He didnt die 17 years ago today. He died on Christmas Day, not 12/29
