Friday, December 07, 2012

Dean Martin Cufflinks

Hey pallies, likes as here's 'nother great Dino-treasure to gift yourself with or with that lovin' Dino-phile on your Dino-winter-day givin' list. From our pallies at Etsy comes this cool pair of Dino-links. Yah, yah, yah, you coulda gets one of our Dino and one of the Sam, or one of our Dino and one Frank...and the possibilities coulda goes on and on....put likes any true Dino-holic woulda purely, simply, and truly wanna a pair of our most beloved Dino.

Likes I simply grooves on the great Dino-shot that these linkin' pallies chose to use....our great man with his ever present cigarette gazin' off into space...always wonderin' who or what our Dino was comtemplatin'. At the very modest price of $29.99 plus shippin' this certainly woulda makes a great Dino-stockin' stuff. And, likes if I was gifted with this Dino-treasure likes I woulda never ever wear a shirt with buttons on the sleeves 'gain. Only a few pair avaiable pallies, so don't delay in checkin' these Dino-delights out!

To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

The Rat Pack Cufflinks - Hollywood Fashion Accessories - With Gift Box - Pick Your Combination

From CoolCufflinks

They were the coolest cats of all time...Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Dean Martin, the leaders of The Rat Pack! They ruled Las Vegas and Hollywood during the 1950's-1960's. These cufflinks are a tribute to their achievements as a group and as entertainers.

Choose any combination of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, and Dean Martin cufflinks. (i.e. Sinatra + Sammy Davis Jr, 2 Deanos, etc.)

Please note your choice when you order. Thanks!

Have questions? Send me a message!

About the cufflinks:

Size: 19mm*19mm

Material: Cufflinks are copper with silver plating.

Clasp type: Bullet back closure

Packaging: Comes in a chrome gift box with black velvet interior.


  1. Hey thanks Pallie. This "ETSY" site has a lot of nice and rare Dino stuff on it. Top Shelf....

  2. Hey pallie, no problemo Mr. Matty...indeed I am findin' many Dino-gems there...probably sometime next will will be sharin' some very high tier Dino-treasures that most pallies likes us can only drowl at. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss Paula, thanks ever so much for droppin' by and makin' the Dino-quire. We checked the link to the post and found, as probably you did, that they are not available. But, likes we wouldn't be surprise if you did a 'net search for dean martin cuff links if somethin' cool didn't turn up.
    Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
