Saturday, December 08, 2012

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Have Run out of Shopping Days

Hey pallies, likes on this eighth day of Dino-winter-month it's time to share a very classical, very seasonal pose of our most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis. From the blog pad, "," comes this wonderful pix of Martin and Lewis as tired Santas fallin' asleep on a couch havin' run out of shoppin' days.

What a wonderful gift of laughter the team of Martin and Lewis shared with the world durin' the decade long rule of stage, screen, and clubs. I love this pix so much 'cause our Dino and Jerry look so so very youthful...and peaceful in this pose. Thanks to the pallies at "" sharin' this with their readership durin' this season of movin' toward Dino-winter-day. To view this in it's original postin', simply clicks on the tag of these here Dino-remarks. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Have Run out of Shopping Days

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