Monday, November 26, 2012

Dino Makes The List!

Hey pallies, likes today ilovedinomartin is truly thrilled to be turnin' our Dino-platfrom of cool over to our absolutely-sold-out-to-Dino pallie, Miss AOW. A few ago our Miss Always On Watch posted a comment 'bout her discovery of findin' a Dino-mention recently in the pages of her Newsweek mag. Likes all the excitin' Dino-details are shared below.

ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to our Miss AOW for her unlimited loyalty to our most beloved Dino through our humble little ilovedinomartin Dino-pad. And, we express our Dino-delight that she has shared the followin' golden Dino-treasure with all us Dino-philes. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

By Always On Watch
As we often say here at I Love Dino Martin, Dean Martin was indeed the King of Cool. But he was much, much more! Our Dino was also a fine actor, and it's time that more people recognize and appreciate the talent that the King of Cool so abundantly had. I think that more people will discover our Dino.  He is getting accolades in places that we might not expect! Recently, when I opened my subscription copy of Newsweek, I found our Dino on the list of Martin Scorsese’s film heroes. Scorsese is no small-time film director and producer:
He is a recipient of the AFI Life Achievement Award for his contributions to the cinema, and has won an Academy Award, a Palme d'Or, Grammy Award, Emmys, Golden Globes, BAFTAs, and DGA Awards. ...Scorsese is hailed as one of the most significant and influential filmmakers of all time...
Among Scorsese's credits we find such landmark films as Mean Streets (1973), Taxi Driver (1976), Raging Bull (1980), Goodfellas (1990), and The Departed (2006).  As a result of his excellent work, Scorsese has many followers and fans. Now that Martin Scorsese has named Dean Martin's performance in Rio Bravo as one a great cinematic moment of guts and glory, perhaps even more people will join the ever-increasing numbers of admirers of our Dino:
Howard Hawks’s Western is a tense standoff between John Wayne’s sheriff and the gang trying to spring murderer Claude Akins from his jail, but it’s also a wonderful film about friendship and redemption. Dean Martin gives an extremely soulful performance as Wayne’s drunken deputy, and there’s a great moment when he almost gives in to the pressure of the situation and the physical discomfort of alcohol withdrawal before he empties the whiskey he’s poured back into the bottle.
High words of praise, the kind of praise that our Dino richly deserves! Below is the Rio Bravo film clip included in the online edition of Newsweek:


  1. I've always wondered why our Dino didn't get an Academy Award nomination for his role as Dude in Rio Bravo. He deserved at least a nomination for that sterling performance!

    Not that the King of Cool needed such an honor. He was clearly very secure in his own skin.

    In many ways, our Dino is now more appreciated as a fine actor since his departure from this life. That appreciation does gladden my heart!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, gotta say that I agrees with everythin' you have said. Indeed our Dino has received much more of his deserved acclaim in every aspect of his career since his departure from the planet. And, likes I am totally totally humbled that ilovedinomartin has placed a very small part in gettin' the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino out to the masses. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
