Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Dean Martin CD and The Old Lady

Hey pallies, likes I am always always delighted to find yet 'nother story 'bout how our Dino crosses each and every age and cultural barriers....bringin' pallies together who otherwise would not likely have their paths cross. Today's Dino-gram is a very very cool case in point. From the blog, "Juanita Tortilla" comes the real life tale, "A Dean Martin CD and The Old Lady."

As you will discover as you read this hugely heart-warmin' Dino-tale, the story takes place in the autumn of the year of our Dino 1999. Don't want to share any more 'cause I want all you Dino-philes to bask in the joy of each and every word of Miss Juanita's remembrances.

ilovedinomartin salutes Miss Juanita for bringin' this story to the attention of her readership, and thus enablin' our Dino-blog to share it with all youse pallies. How wonderful to keeps hearin' the innumerable ways that our Dino keeps touchin' lives and bringin' pallies together! To read this in it's original format, per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-connected, DMP

NOTE: I have received a request from Miss Juanita to "kindly replace all my personal words and images with a link to my blog post instead? I would much prefer that." So pallies, if you care to read and see Miss Juanita's work, just click on the tag of this Dino-post. Yours in Dino, DMP


  1. Thank you for the feature. This is a really unique and interesting blog you have!

  2. Hey pallie, likes the pleasure is all mine Miss Juanita...likes what a total total blast it is to search the 'net for wonderful Dino-homagin' like yours.

  3. Hi, on second thought, could you kindly replace all my personal words and images with a link to my blog post instead? I would much prefer that. Thank you for your understanding.

  4. Our Dino does bring together people of all ages, all cultures.

    Good find, DMP.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, such Dino-tales completely warms my heart and makes me love our great man all the more! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. Thanks so much DMP. I really appreciate it.
