Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Our Dino in "ADA" comes to DVD-R

Hey pallies, likes I can't believe it pallies, likes one of the Dino-flicks that all us Dino-devotees have been faithfully waitin' to gets on DVD is comin' 'vailable. Likes I was just just doin' a bit of google Dino-surfin' for any and all interestin' Dino-news, and likes I went to a pad that said that "Ada" was goin' to be available sometime likes this Fall on DVD-R.

So, likes I went on over to Amazon and plugged Dean Martin Ada into the search engine and likes pay dirt pallies...."Ada" is now available for our very Dino-ownin' dudes! Interestin'ly 'nough the actual release date is October 30, but the pallies at Amazon know sez they have it for sale. Now, likes how outstandin' is that. First it was "Something Big" that got released a week ago, then it was news of "Mr. Ricco" and "Texas Across The River" comin' available...and likes now "Ada"! I can hardly believe it is true. Likes certainly more Dino-proof that the Dino-revolution is in full full Dino-tilt!

To checks this out at Amazon, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. And, likes btw pallies, just found an official Warner's Bros. clip on youtube and a synopsis of "Ada" to whet our Dino-appetite. Dino-delightedly, DMP


Dean Martin, Wilfrid Hyde-White, Ralph Meeker, Martin Balsam Susan Hayward (Actor), Daniel Mann (Director) | Format: DVD

DVD-R Note: This product is manufactured on demand when ordered from Amazon.com. [Learn more]

Susan Hayward and Dean Martin throw a wrench into Wilfred Hyde-White's political machine in this Depression-era tale of corruption and power. Plucked out of obscurity by crooked party boss Sylvester Marin (Hyde-White), good ol' country boy Bo Gillis (Martin) is elected governor based solely on smear tactics. Married to Ada (Hayward), an ambitious call girl he met during the campaign, Bo soon discovers he's only a puppet with Marin pulling the stings. So when Ada convinces her husband to stand up and fight back, it leads to car bombings and blackmail as Marin battles the Gillis' for control of the state. Based on Wirt Williams' Pulitzer Prize-nominated novel, Ada was partially inspired by Jimmie Davis, the singing governor of Louisiana, whose campaign song "You Are My Sunshine" is echoed by "May the Lord Bless You Real Good," a tune written especially for the film and performed by Martin.


  1. I think I'm going to die of pure joy! I have been waiting for this film forever! Yes, yes, yes!

  2. Wow !
    I couldn`t let this one escape, I just placed my order :)
    Some great Dino movies coming out which I thought would never see the light of day.
    My next big wish is for Who`s Been Sleeping in my Bed

  3. Hey pallie, well you and me both pallie RC..."Ada" is certainly at the top of my lift for Dino-acquistions! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss Ky likes d'ya think that you grabbed up this Dino surprises me...glads ilovedinomartin coulda surprise you with this stunnin' Dino-news!
    Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  5. Finally!

    This is a wonderful film about politics!

  6. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, "finally!" indeed! Can't wait to gets my very own Dino-copy! Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  7. Hi Miss AOW
    I couldn`t believe it when I read the good news, I first saw this film when I was little and I didn`t understand anything about politics and I remember I couldn`t follow the movie but I was spellbound watching Dean.
    And towards the end of the movie when he stands up and gives that great speech exposing the corruption was one of the most memorable scenes I`ve ever seen in a movie.
    Now I understand politics and I hate politics and politicians, but I love this movie :)
