Monday, October 15, 2012

On This Day In Dino-history: October 15, 1958

Hey pallies, likes our most excellent pallie Mark R. over at "popculturefanboy" has reported that in was on this day, October 15, 1958 at our great man recorded more great songs for his great al-b-um, "Sleep Warm" over at the Capitol Records tower pad...and 'gain his great pallie Mr. Frank Sinatra was at the helm of the orchestra pit.

This time the croons included ""Hit the Road To Dreamland", "Sleepy Time Gal", "All I Do Is Dream Of You", and "Wrap Your Trouble In Dreams (And Dream Your Troubles Away)." And the work was done between 10 p.m. and 1 a.m., so likes as I have said before here dudes, this simply goes to prove that our Dino ain't no slacker for Dino-sure!

Hats off to our historical pallie Mark R. for helpin' us continue to grow in our Dino-knowledge. To view this in it's original format, as usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. And, likes pallies, likes I have been able to post all four of these Dino-croons with clips from Dino-lovin' pallies at youtube. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-psyched, DMP

1958 - Dean Martin, with Frank Sinatra conducting the orchestra (Benjamin Barrett: Contractor; Frank Beach, Conrad Gozzo, and Dale McMickle on trumpet; Francis "Joe" Howard, Murray McEachern, and George Roberts on trombone; Gus Bivona, Dale Issenhuth, Jules Jacob, Abe Most, and Wilbur Schwartz on saxophones; Ken Lane and Bill Miller on piano; Al Viola on guitar; Joe Comfort on bass; Bill Richmond on drums; Kathryn Julye on harp; and on strings: Victor Arno, Dan Lube, Amerigo Marino, Louis Raderman, Paul Shure, Felix Slatkin, Marshall Sosson, and Gerald Vinci on violin; Alvin Dinkin and Paul Robyn on viola; Elizabeth Greenschpoon and Edgar Lustgarten on cello) using arrangements by Pete King, records the tracks "Hit the Road To Dreamland", "Sleepy Time Gal", "All I Do Is Dream Of You", and "Wrap Your Trouble In Dreams (And Dream Your Troubles Away)" at The Capitol Tower Studios in Hollywood, California between 10:00pm and 1:00 am with producer Lee Gillette. Capitol Records issues all the tracks on Martin's Capitol Records album "Sleep Warm" (T 1150).

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