Saturday, May 12, 2012

On This Day In Dino-history: May 12, 1949

Hey pallies, likes thanks to our Dino-lovin' Dino-blogin' pallie Mark R. over at his blog, "popculturefanboy" we learn that today is 'nother great day in Dino-history. Mark puts us on to the Dino-fact that it was on this very day in 1945 that our most beloved Dino and his ever funny partner Jerry, durin' their NBC Radio Programme "The Martin and Lewis Show," were at Capitol Records to record a new dittie while also be paid a visit by the great folk singer Mr. Burl Ives.

Loves the pix of our Dino and Jerry that Mark includes with this dino-historical moment...and we send out kudos to him for keepin' all us pallies up on the latest of latest Dino-details in all of Dino-history. To view this in it's original format, as usual, just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Keeps lovin' our Dino! Dino-learnin' and Dino-growin', DMP


1949 - On NBC's radio show, The Martin and Lewis Show, Dean and Jerry are at Capitol Records to record a new tune and get tips on how to sing folk songs from guest Burl Ives

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