Sunday, May 13, 2012

Danny G.'s Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Any Man Who Loves His Mother"

Happy Mother's Day pallies! This is a no brainer! When I thinks of Dino...and I thinks of Mom G. & Mrs. G...there's simply only one tune that comes to mind!

 This one will be short & sweet pals...just like Mom G. ha ha!!! Hope all my pals have a great great day sharin' some time with that VERY special woman in their life or celebratin the memory of the MOST important lady in ALL us pallies lives!!! Enjoy pals!!!            
Any man who loves his mother
is man enough for me.
Brightening her eyes, sending her flowers,
though it's no anniversary.

Many men want fame and fortune,
it's gold they love to see,
but I say a man who loves his mother
is man enough for me.

Many men loves dogs and kittens,
and pet them constantly.
Show me a man who loves his mother
as much as she wants to be,
and I'll show you a man
who's a lot like me.           


  1. Danny,
    Great choice for Mother's Day!

  2. If I recall correctly, our Dino's parents lived with him in Hollywood -- in a small house on our Dino's Mountain Drive estate in Beverly Hills. When our Dino made it big, he took care of his parents.

    Yes, our Dino loved his mother!

  3. Thanks Ms.AOW. Glad you enjoyed! Love to hear back from my pallies! Warms my Dino-lovin' soul knowin' that my Dino-passion brings a little bit of joy to all my pals! And yes...Dean definately loved his mama, like every Italiano boy should! ;)

  4. A perfect song for Mothers Day :)
