Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Dino is on my mind

Hey pallies, likes this seems to be the week to introduce ilovedinomartin folks to some new 'net pallies who proudly proclaim their devotion to our Dino via their blog posts. On Monday we said hello to Miss Fay from Canada who confessed, "I can't believe I lived half my life with zero appreciation of Dean Martin,"...but is makin' up for time lost. Yesterday we shared the Dino-reflections of law student Mr. Andrew, who pontificated sayin', "give me Dean Martin and I’ll give you all the Bieber you want." Today, we have the pleasure of meetin' new-to-bloggin' Miss Ellie, who at here blog, "Randomness" excitin'ly expresses, "Oh how I adore, Dean Martin!!! I'm in love with his voice!"

Miss Ellie, a "Medical Massage Therapist," from somewhere in the USA, sez of herself that "I'm a classy lady with a huge heart," and it is crystal clear that this classy lady is first class in her devotion to our Dino, and is oh so Dino-hearted! I was introducted to Miss Ellie when she shared some Dino-thoughts on Mr. Andrew's Dino-thoughts yesterday, and when I went on over to her pad discovered she has put the accent on our Dino in a very recent post of her own!

So, below is Miss Ellie's first forage in proudly professin' her passion for our most beloved Dino. Truly this is one Dino-minded lady and we certainly expect to hear mucho more Dino-reflections from her in the future. Miss Ellie shares some of her fav Dino-clips, "You Belong To Me," "How Do You Like Your Eggs In The Morning," and "Almost Like Being In Love."

ilovedinomartin is likes totally totally delighted to welcome 'nother devotee of our great man to our humble little Dino-blog and thanks her for sharin' her heart for Dino with others. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-always, only and forever, DMP

Dino is on my mind

Oh how I adore, Dean Martin!!! I'm in love with his voice! His music makes me want to dance/cuddle with someone special. I know my classy guy is out there somewhere....


  1. Aww! haha! Thank you so much for the warm welcome!!! Nice to meet everyone, and I look forward to some more Dino talk! If I ever meet a man who looks & sings like Dean Martin, I would marry him in a heartbeat! He would sing to me every night, and give me sweet candy kisses! My heart would melt! hahaha!!! Yeah, Baby! ;)Have a great day,folks!

  2. Hey pallie, you are most welcome Miss Ellie, indeed just a bit more true Dinopalliedom....and I thought you woulda enjoy seein' your Dino-devotion featured here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  3. Welcome Ms. Ellie! Glad to have you on board! Keep spreadin' the word & the love of the one & only Dean Martin!

    Danny G.
