Thursday, May 03, 2012

Dino-fest 2012 In Stu-ville

Hey pallie, likes man-o-man dudes, likes times goes by so so fast when you are havin' so so much Dino-fun! Likes I have been meanin' to do a post on Dino-fest 2012in Dino-mecca...Stu-ville for quite quite a few, must likes there's been so much cool Dino-action 'round des Dino-parts that am finally gettin' 'round to sharin' the Dino-details this very very Dino-day.

Those truly in the Dino-know, likes knows that Dino-fest occurs each and every year in June on Daddy-o Day's weekend (musta be 'cause our Dino is the Daddy-o of Daddy-o's!) in our great man's home town, Steubenville, Ohio....fondly tagged here as Stu-ville. Dates this year are June 14-15-16. Below is the schedule as it appears at the official Dino-fest pad (clicks on tag of this Dino-report to view it in it's original format). And, it is best to goes directly to the Dino-fest site to better read the Dino-schedule in all it's Dino-glory!

So so wishes that I could make pilgrimage to the land of Dino this June 'cause besides all the regular Dino-fest activities there is gonna be a grand openin' celebration of the NEW DEAN MARTIN ROOM at the Jefferson County Historical Society and Library in Stu-ville. Likes how excitin' is that dudes?!?!?!?!

Pallies have been yearnin' likes forever for our most beloved Dino's hometown to create a museum in his honor, and likes Dino-holics all over the globe are now gonna see at least a part of the desires of their Dino-hearts bein' fulfilled this very Dino-year....and give 'em 'nother huge reason to make their Dino-pilgrimage to Dino-mecca!

On top of that, 'gain this year there will be a Dean Martin Memorial Mass at Holy Name Cathedral from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Daddy-o Day. Likes Dino-fest is shapin' up to be 'nother great tribute to our King of Cool...and am oh, so yearnin' to find a way to join in all these Dino-honorin' events. Dino-desirin', DMP


  1. I won't be going this year, but next year as my graduation present, my mother and I (and I guess my sister) will be going. I'm so excited about it!

  2. I won't be going this year, but next year as my graduation present, my mother and I (and I guess my sister) will be going. I'm so excited about it!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss R.C. who coulda ask for a better present then that for graduation?!?!?! Bein' in the land of Dino and breathin' the air that our Dino breathed. Sure that you will be countin' the days...and likes how cool to be able to share the pilgrimage with your mommy-o and sis. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  4. Wow! That looks like fun.'s a 10 hr drive from where I live. Maybe I can make this happen. haha! Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Hey pallie, very very true Miss Ellie, and likes certainly our Dino is worthy of all of best efforts in honorin' him. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  6. Finally! A Dean Martin museum of sorts -- even if it is only a room (for starters). And it's about time, huh? Past time, really.

    How I wish that I could attend the festival this year!

    I also note that one of the best Dino impersonators will again be in Steubenville: Tom Stevens. For my money, Stevens is the best of the impersonators.

  7. Hey pallie, indeed Miss AOW, dem are exactly my least a good start at a full Dino-devoted museum. One thin' that I noticed was no mention of our Dino's girlpallie Deana bein' featured...wonderin' if she is skippin' this years Dino-fest...and if so I woulda hopes they woulda tries to invite our Dino's boypallie Ricci, or even girl-pallie Gail. Keeps lovin' our Dino!

  8. Hey Pallie,

    Thanks for the post and the promo - we dig your blog almost as much as a warm showgirl.


    Buster "Sammy" Maxwell
    The Pittsburgh Rat Pack

  9. Hey pallie, likes thanks for droppin' by Mr. Maxwell...and no problemo in promotin' Dino-fest 2012...always tryin' to keep all the pallies here caught up with all the lastest Dino-devotion comin'. Keeps lovin' our Dino.
