Friday, February 17, 2012

"Oh, I love Dean Martin!" His popularity spans all generations, orientations, and tastes.

Hey pallies,, 'gain doin' some Dino-amore-day blog searchin' when I came 'cross this live journal post that is just brimmin' with such such Dino-warmth. From the journal,"Dispatches from Tanganyika," by a person tagged Billy Martin comes word that Martin has been partakin' in the readin' of Nick Tosches huge Dino-volume, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams.

You can read their thoughts on Tosches' Dino-version below, taggin' it a "rather purple-prosed biography of Dean Martin." But, likes what captured by Dino-attentionado was this very very revealin' Dino-remark...."and everyone I mention it to (readin' the Dino-bio) says, "Oh, I love Dean Martin!" His popularity spans all generations, orientations, and tastes."

Indeed fellow Dino-holics, Billy Martin has spoken the deepest and purest and truest Dino-reality! TO KNOW DINO IS TO LOVE DINO. INDEED DINO-DEVOTION SPANS ALL GENERATIONS, ALL ORIENTATIONS, ALL TASTES!

How amazin' wonderful to find this stunnin'ly stellar tribute to our Dino 'specially on the heels of our most recent celebratin' of Dino-amore-day! Hats off to Billy Martin at "Dispatches from Tanganyika" for sharin' such a bold proclaimation of utter pure passion for our most beloved Dino. To view this in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-delightedly, DMP

I'll Take The Monkey

Feb. 15th, 2012 at 12:45 AM

So I'm reading this rather purple-prosed biography of Dean Martin, Dino: Living High in the Business of Dirty Dreams by Nick Tosches, and everyone I mention it to says, "Oh, I love Dean Martin!" His popularity spans all generations, orientations, and tastes. I love his music, but I'm finding that this book only gets really interesting when Jerry Lewis shows up. It's making me want to revisit the biography of him I read years ago, whose title I don't remember. I guess I like maniacs better than cool guys.

(The King of Comedy is a pretty good movie, too.)


  1. His popularity spans all generations, orientations, and tastes.

    The beautiful truth!

  2. Hey pallie, likes indeed Miss AOW, "the beautiful truth." Keeps lovin' our Dino more and more!
