Thursday, February 16, 2012

How could any woman not want to be kissed by him?

Hey pallies, likes I was doin' a little Dino-amore-day blog searchin' to see what sort of love was bein' spread our Dino's way, and likes I was lead to 'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin blog most interestin'ly tagged, "The Shades Of Black And White," where a chick from Cornelia, Georgian created what she tagged a Valentine's Day Meme, her first, that contains some amazin' passion for our most beloved Dino.

The VD meme contained 14 quires, and cool to say that two of 'em are focused on our Dino....#7 Best Kiss In A Movie? and #8 Favorite Romantic Scene. With kiss question she shares a very very cool vid complilation of passionate Dino kisses from his various flicks usin' the Dino-tune "Kiss" in the background. And, likes in the fav romantico department, this lady posted an absolutely fab vid clip of our Dino and Miss Judy Holliday singin' and dancin' to the showstopper "Just In Time" from "Bells Are Ringing."

Likes how simply simply divine to have happened 'pon these wonderful bits of Dino-passion shared by the Dino-lovin' lady blogger of "The Shades Of Black And White.
Thanks ma'am for sharin' your passion for our Dino with your simply outstandin' to find 'nother devotee of our Dino unabashedly unashamed of proudly showin' how much they loves our lovin' man. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-amorin', DMP

Valentine's Day Meme

Seeing as that I'm still very much a newbie on this whole blog bit, I've decided that another milestone for me, and for this blog, is to partake in my very first meme. And what better one to do then the one that foreverclassics is doing? Incidently, hers is the first blogathon that I also did for Bogie.

Well, shall we have a go at this then?

7. Best kiss in a movie?

As much as I love Cary, and believe me, I do, and as much as I wish that I could trade spots with Katharine Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, or any other woman that he made a film with, and I boy do I wish, I'm going to have to go with my other love on this one: Dean Martin. Here's a compilation of his kisses (I couldn't just pick one).

Dean Martin Kisses

How could any woman not want to be kissed by him?

8. Favorite romantic scene?

Dean and Judy Holliday in Bells Are Ringing (1960)

I just love this scene. I'd dance with Dean in a park
if I was even given half the chance. And is it just
me, or does the way Dean say, "Don't you like
dancing?" make you want to curl your toes and faint?

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